Friday, February 15, 2013

Treasuring our Time

We are wise to treasure our TIME! 
Time is so valuable - it is actually PRICELESS!
Louis Dean and I are at the end of our 8th day out of 10 here at home for this February Visit.
 I have loved every minute!
Yesterday I had lunch with a dear longtime friend and former coworker.
She is the kind of friend who is always 'there.'
We pick up where we leave off at our monthly lunches.
She is an amazing woman!
She is an amazing MOTHER and grandmother!
Her son was in a life threatening accident last August.
You can read about his account of it - and how supportive his family and friends have been HERE!

Last night Louis Dean and I decided to celebrate Valentine's Day in a very simple way.
We sat in the living room listening to WRR 101.1 Classical music radio as they counted down the top 10 most romantic pieces of music. We sat with a glass of wine and let the music wash over us.
This was HIS gift to ME.

Next we moved to the comfy den where he got a fire going and brought out a couple of fluffy blankets and we settled down to watch TOGETHER his most favorite movie of all time - The Alamo.
I turned my phone off, did not even so much as glance at my lap top, did not move around cleaning or fluffing anything! I merely sat and watched the movie with him.
This was MY gift to HIM.

This morning we were up and off early so we could spend the day in Fort Worth with family.....
our SECOND Friday in a row to do this! 

I LOVE seeing Mother twice on this trip home!

Louis Dean and I spent some time visiting my sister before I picked Mother up at the beauty shop.
Summer and Abby Rayne were there when we got back so we visited some more.
Aunt Deanie knows just how to entertain children! She is the BEST grandmother I know and my role model!

We left there and headed to lunch!
It is always like a party at Razzoo's!

What a blessing to spend time with my mother AND my daughter and granddaughter!

We admire these threaded bottles every time we come!
SOMEDAY we'll get around to making our own!

We had a ball!!

Louis Dean was beside himself with happiness!
He does so love to EAT!

This unique bird house was close to our parking space.
Add that to the list of things we would like to make. 

Next stop? 
Trader Joe's where Mother wheeled her cart around like old times!

My beautiful daughter!
Summer DEE!!

After our shopping we stayed for a cup of coffee to wind up our time together.

Mother is a young 87!
 I am grateful for the times we have together.
It is treasured time!

Now Friday is at a close.
We will eat a VERY light supper after all that food at lunch!
Since we're not watching much TV (have I mentioned we have an antenna that must sit ON TOP of a lamp shade that is close to the TV to get any reception at ALL!!!??) we have decided to finish up some projects before settling down for the night. He is in his music room and I am about to work on a crib quit.
I have some candles lit and can hear the classical music drifting in from the living room.
I can't explain it but sometimes I am so overcome with the feeling of perfect contentment.
I want to take this time - this moment - and treasure it!
In time to come - God willing - I will take this memory out and enjoy it over and over again.
Perhaps when I am my mother's age. 
Life is short. It seems like yesterday I was a young mother and here I am now.
One minute I am young and the next I am my Mother!


  1. Linda,
    So true that one minute we are young mothers ourselves, and the next thing we know our daughters are the young mothers, and we are suddenly our own mothers!

    So happy for you to have these ten days and for your contentment. Blessings to you.

  2. A beautiful family... So glad you share them with us

  3. Oh Linda just goes so fast ... you are so wise enjoying it and realizing the treasure you have!!

  4. Oh you've described it very well, Linda. I have felt that way sometimes, too. So glad that you've had some wonderful time to decompress and enjoy being home and seeing the rest of the family. How many times have I told you that your mother is so cute? Your daughter is so pretty and your granddaughter is a cutie pie. The whole family is just plain adorable.

  5. Linda...this is such a sweet, thought provoking post...I can tell you are back at home and in your realm. You had the perfect Valentine's Day with LD. Celebrations seem to be all the more special when we keep it low key and loving.

    You need to make a family tree for us! Of course I know most everyone, but I do get lost sometimes. Yes, your mother is absolutely TOO young for 87!! Get her secret! lol! And Summer is a doll...she seems so very sweet, love her big happy smile.

    I thought you were going to be home for the whole month. In any event, much love to you. You are right on target about what life is as we get older and wiser! :)


  6. As you described sewing on the quilt and the music coming in to you I FELT your contentment. I have those moments also. I call them my God moments.

    So glad you got to see your mother TWICE. I know she was glad to see you too. How great to have four generations together. You are truly blessed.

    I was just thinking the other day about how quickly time has flown. It seems like just a couple months ago I was thinking about buying my house and now I've just celebrated being here for 33 years. Where did the time go?

  7. I love your appreciation for your home and family, Linda. It rings so true and dear to me. Your mother is a treasure for your family - and you have certainly gone on to share what you've learned from her into the next generation. I loved this post.

  8. So wise of you, to realize your Joys, when you are living them. I fear too many of us, don't really notice the Joys Of Now.

    And your way, you have the lovely memories of those Joys, inside your mind, forever.


  9. I so agree, cherish those moments, bottle them and take the stopper out of the bottle when you want to relive them!

  10. There is nothing greater then appreciating your time.

  11. You have such a lovely family. God has blessed you with the ability not to take them for granted and savor every day you have together.

  12. linda, you just know how to live life. you've got it all and you appreciate every single thing, those big and small!!

  13. You have such a close family. I love it. Pamela and I are coming up on our birthdays and I can't believe she'll be 26 and out on her own. She was my little girl just yesterday. mmm Time does fly.
    This post almost makes me tear up and sentimental.

  14. Linda, you just won't know yourself when you finally get to go home and stay there for weeks! I imagine your house feels like a huge palace compared to the camper! Have a great week.
