Monday, February 11, 2013

A Mellow Monday!

I went to bed last night BEFORE 10 PM and didn't get up until 9:30 this morning!
As I stumbled into the den I found Louis Dean watching an OLD TV program!

I watched this when I was a little girl.
After this show was over we watched 'Alias Smith and Jones.'
That was a popular series back in 1971-1973.
Yesterday we watched an episode of  'The Flying Nun.'
We are so tired of the violence and blood and gore of the TV programs today.
We are enjoying some of the series of by gone days.

Louis Dean went off to do errands this afternoon and I puttered around in the yard.
The Carolina Jasmine is blooming!
My mint is coming back!
The rose bushes needed to be pruned so I did exactly that!
I intend to take some fresh mint and rosemary back 'home' with me when we leave next Monday.

The kitchen was my room of choice today.
I cleaned and mopped the floor.
Set the table with the beautiful and colorful place mats and matching napkins from our friend Dawn down in Florida. (For some odd reason the 'link' thing won't work but her blog is

I am enjoying looking at all my STUFF!!
Like this tea towel from Linda @ Occasional Scotland.

This flock of chickens is above the French doors in the kitchen.
I have missed them!

I've even missed the little cow who lives in my kitchen!

When Louis Dean returned this afternoon we did a little drive way sitting.
What is he looking at?

Our afternoon entertainment was watching a tree man take down a tree across the street!
Louis Dean asked if he could take some of the wood and was given the okay.
As long as we have been married (8 years in June) we have had plenty of firewood but not had to pay a single cent for it! LD finds it, brings it home, allows it to age and then John Wayne's it!

That's how we came by the wood we are burning right now!
I started the fire and poured the wine.
Louis Dean is in the kitchen baking chicken and cooking scalloped potatoes and garlic green beans for our dinner. We will sit by the fire as we eat and see what other old TV programs are on the channel he found this morning. Or we may just sit and talk.

It's been a good Monday around here!


  1. I am with you, the old shows are so much more enjoyable then what is offered today, Dh loves the old westerns like The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Ozzie and Harriet,and the old Honeymooners series are a few of my favorites.
    Thanks for sharing more pictures of your decorating..Love it:)

  2. Hubby was watching some I Love Lucy reruns the other day...I just loved hearing his laugh from the other room! Love seeing you enjoying your home again, your table is so pretty and I'm in love with your fireplace. LD did good with the fire wood and I love a man that can cook! Have a great week!


  3. Oh I know what you mean about the shows today...the crime, the hospital shows, the weird, the lame, it's too much. That's why I've been watching some period pieces from the BBC.

    A good quiet, puttery day at home is the best. Sounds as if you really needed your rest. Hope that you get to do that all over again tonight!

  4. Y'all have a nice life! I love hearing how y'all spend your time together. My husband likes to cook too. Isn't it nice having a husband that can cook? I agree that tv and movies have gotten so violent lately. It's becoming where nothing surprises me anymore. Glad to hear that you caught up on some much needed sleep and you're back to your old routine this week.

  5. Smart man bringing home free wood. I wish hubby cooked more, you are a spoiled woman my friend!

  6. Well I'll tell you..there are moments here...that I wish I had a fire:)... I don't want to say its cold here (especially when I look at the temperature back home:))...but the wind makes it feel cold...and a fire would be nice! But I am so thankful for sunny skies... and a warm sun...when you get out of that wind!

  7. Sounds like you are really enjoying your time in your house. Leave it to LD to find free wood! Love all your decorating. I should bring you here to do my house! Enjoy the rest of your week.

  8. I remember those old tv shows!!

    Oh how wonderful, to have found a channel which shows the really good oldies.

    The old tv cable ch. here, has moved on to stuff like "Roseanne," which I never watched in the first place. Bahhhh, humbug. :-)

  9. Linda, Just reading your blog today seemed relaxing. So glad you have a bit of time to just sit back and enjoy yourselves. xoxox, Susie

  10. Linda, it would be great if you gave linking in to Food on Friday a go. It's easy and if you don't get it right I can always fix it for you. In a couple of days a new one will post which is all about burgers. And the current one is all about foods you loved as a child. If you have posts about either of those it would be great to see them linked in.

    I do so enjoy your blog and watching those babies grow. Take care of yourself and LD.
