Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Sunday Kind of Day!

Yesterday was cold and rainy. Storms came in around 3:00 this morning complete with rain, lightning and thunder. I got up and cracked open the bedroom door just enough so I could listen as I fell back to sleep.
By the time we had our morning coffee and arrived at church the skies were blue and the temps were mild.
It was a beautiful Sunday!

Lucy and I went on a walk this evening at dusk through the neighborhood I have lived in for 46 years.

I have enjoyed every moment of this day!
For some strange reason I love housekeeping.
That means I love the smell of furniture polish and Fabuloso.
Cleaning is therapy for me.
Today I cleaned the den and delved into a trunk I seldom open to find old photo albums which I took out to display for awhile. I may take some back with me to the camper.

The foyer was next on my agenda.
I gathered some vintage sewing things to display on my antique Singer sewing machine.

Some vintage.......

and some truly antique.

A few of the pins in this packet are still threaded with a tiny bit of thread.

Such history in these pieces.
I wish I knew their stories......

From the foyer I moved to the living room.
Dusted, vacuumed, added bits here and there.

This vintage suitcase is a display for pictures of the quadruplets.
I will continue to tinker with it until I have it just right!

I think I need more frames!

Someday when we are back home I plan to refinish these chairs.
Both are Goodwill finds for around $8 each.

I picked up this little canvas up recently at a thrift store in Houston.
The saying is so very TRUE!

Our Sunday is winding down to a close.
We are watching Downton Abbey. I'm just sorry I didn't discover this program sooner!
A salad and a glass of wine will be our dinner tonight.

We have 7 more days to celebrate being at HOME!
While we love being here - we ARE missing four little babies - who are NOT staying little for LONG!
I hear Harrison may well have his first tooth by the time we get back!
Wonder if he and Trystan are sitting up yet.......


  1. It was quite a storm... But today was beautiful... Glad you are having a nice time at home

  2. Funny to think of how much the quads will have grown after such a short few days. I love to see you nesting and creating and enjoying your home. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures in domesticity.

  3. Your rain came our way - got here around 5am. It had just the right blend of thinder, lightning, and rain to make it a great little thunderstorm. It cleared here by 10 ish. Beautiful day!

  4. Love all of your vintage pieces,wish I had the eye to find things like you can.
    So glad you are enjoying your time at home:)

  5. There really isn't any place like your own home - so cosy, so welcoming. Enjoy!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday... I love cleaning too!!

  7. YOu are so lucky, that cleaning is happy-making for you! Wish it were so, for me.

    Making-things-neat is happy-making for me. But not the dusting, etc. ,-)

    ENJOY your break. :-)

  8. I'm so glad it rained for you, drifting off to sleep with the sound of rain makes cuddle in a little better. Sounds like you had a perfect Sunday!

  9. you shine in both your worlds!!

    i love cleaning, organizing and making my house a home!! it's my life, my haven and i adore being home and doing whatever needs to be done!!

    having fun, enjoying every second of life, just like you!!

  10. Love you little vintage pieces and tins. Now I'm like Auntie Sezzzz.. Glad the act of cleaning makes you happy. It sure don't me. I like the idea of clean but not the act of doing it..
    Hmm and sometimes my house proves that statement.
