Monday, October 29, 2012

Everyone Has a Story.....

There are 159 spaces here in our RV Resort. It is unusual to see an EMPTY space! Each one has a 'story' and we have heard a few of them.......

The sites here are occupied by families mostly.
The lane ends so the only cars going there belong to the RV' to speak.

These campers are 'lake side' and the rent is a good bit higher.
In my opinion it's not worth the extra cost but there is only one vacancy among the sites tonight.

This is a luxury RV parked right next to a more humble one.
A retired couple travel in this home.

A young man working here in the same field as my son in law lives in this camper.
He's not home much.

The people in this rig are very much into physical fitness!

You can tell this couple have been here awhile and are not going anywhere any time soon!
I think this is their only 'home.'

This rig is for sale and as far as I can tell no one is even staying in it.
The asking price is $38,000!

I'm a little envious of the awnings.
We can't use ours because Louis Dean needs to repair something or other.
That's why we bought the canopy to use as our make shift gazebo.

I am amazed at how fancy some of these RV's are!
They sit outside in the evenings watching a HUGE flat screen TV built into the side of the RV.

Another fancy one.....
owned by a traveling nurse and her retired disabled husband.

Last month a band of gypsies lived back here.
That was pretty interesting.
Proved to be challenging for the RV Park managers!
The children terrorized a good many of the residents.
One rode their bike right into Louis Dean as he was coming out of the men's room -
and just glanced back as he careened off!
They have since moved out with other people on the waiting list taking their place -
to the vast relief of their neighbors!

A single dad sharing joint custody is a common resident.
The fathers care enough to be close to their children so they buy an RV and live close enough for the shared custody to work.

I think this is one of the most 'vintage' campers here.
It has no A/C and the windows are always open.

This camper is our neighbor.
His name is Shawn and he has visited with Louis Dean a few times.
He travels in his work and is a divorced dad of two small children.
We like him a lot and always smile when he has his kids with him because we know that's why he is here!
So he can be close to his kids!

There are rentals at the very back of the RV Park.
One lady has all her possessions in storage (located next door) and is taking a break to decide what she wants to do next in her life.

There are also a handful of RV's available to rent - completely stocked!

We pass this trailer as we come in every day.
I imagine a man - perhaps very much like Louis Dean - lives here.
He has tools and tool boxes, firewood, and pots of ivy!
Very eclectic!

All in all this is a very interesting place to live.
I just today realized that we actually 'live' here!

I am still not fully recovered from being sick with a cold and/or allergy attack so we will be going 'home' tomorrow.  If I'm going to be sick I would rather be sick THERE! I can WALK around my bed there - not have to crawl up over the end!

We have packed enough food for the 7 days we will be back where we USED to live!
Always before we packed up things from the pantry and freezer to bring down HERE!!
Now our pantry/fridge/freezer there is EMPTY!
Lucy and Maggie (our dog and cat) are going with us.
They haven't been 'home' since we left there in August.

We'll miss being here but I am looking forward to being home again - this time for an entire week!
That will make it 12 days that I will not have seen the quads by the time we get back.

I asked Amber to post on Facebook and blog so I can keep up with them.
By the time we get back they will be eating baby food and moving on in their development.

On the other hand, I will get to spend some time with my other four grandchildren, see my mother, participate in a wedding planning session for a beloved niece, VOTE, and have an appointment with my doctor! She has four children and I can't wait to show her pics of the quads!

Now, the sweet potatoes I baked for supper are done and Louis Dean has poured our wine.
We are staying close to the TV watching and praying for those affected by this Sandy 'Frankenstorm!'

I hope YOU are safe and sound this Monday night!


  1. Have a safe trip back to Big D... Thank you for the sweet note for my Mom

  2. It's so interesting to hear the stories behind the people living/staying at the RV park. That looks like a very nice park! I feel sorry for the single dads living there though. Divorce is so awful anyway, then having to make do in a little camper just seems so terrible to me. Hope you have a restful time back at home. There's no place like home!

  3. I think perhaps you "need" to be back to your regular home to recharge and rest a bit. I bet you'll feel better simply being back there again. The quads seem to be thriving so now is a good time to take a breather. Seeing your babies makes me eager for our new grandbaby come March!

  4. I enjoyed the RV tour! Love looking at all the different styles.

  5. Of all the RV's you showed in your little tour I would have to say that your patio area and the inside looks homey and inviting;)
    Safe travels home, enjoy your visit with the other Grandkids,family and your dear Mom.
    Get plenty of rest,hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you, Bernice!! It is 'Home' to us and you know how we all take 'home' with us wherever we go!! We have so enjoyed dressing the quads in the cute outfits you sent them!

  6. I stayed in an RV once while visiting a relative in Arizona; I was amazed that a person can be comfortable in one. Thank you for the tour of the park - it was very interesting!

  7. Oh Linda... you made me homesick...for our southern home... I know what you are talking about...all those trailers and stories of the people in them...We live in one of those...when we go to AZ!!... 5 More sleeps and I'll be there for a month...can hardly wait....There is snow here...and the sun and warmth is calling me.... Get better!!

  8. It sounds like going to your home-home is a good idea at this time. I hope you feel a lot better soon.
    That was an interesting tour of your away-home!

  9. So interesting, to think of all the stories, which are contained in an RV Park.

    Glad you are going home to fully recoup. After all, what *good are you* to family, if you don't have all your own health.... And you just-plain-want to take care of your own health!! "Auntie" sezzzzzzzz...

    We are fine here after the storm, but as I posted; "Rather be prepared, and not need it, than be unprepared, and need it." :-)


  10. Such an interesting post. Amazing the number of stories you've told about your friends and neighbors. I am struck by how good most people are...though the gypsy children need some discipline.

    May your time home be just the tonic you need to kick this cold for good. Take care, enjoy your time with the rest of the family, and God bless the quads!

  11. I hope you are feeling much better. I enjoyed hearing about the other campers. It seems to be a simplistic life style.

  12. So true...that everyone has a story! Enjoy your home time...and take cre of yourself.

  13. So funny - your 'vintage' RV looks like the standard British caravan! The rest look like our intercity 48 seater buses!
    Hope you are perking up now you are among home comforts. Not that your temporary set-up lacks those either, but home is something special.

  14. Thanks for the RV tour. Funny to see those big fancy ones next to the vintage and older ones.
    Glad you get to be home for a week to regroup and feel better.
