Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Be it ever so humble.......

there's no place like HOME!!!

We are HOME!
Lucy and Maggie are HOME!!

It feels good to be back....this time for a whole week!

I have missed all my water fountains.......

and twinkling lights!

And I have missed my bedroom and my bed!
In the RV getting OUT of bed is a strenuous exercise!
Getting out of the Girl Bunk is an acrobatic trick!
Here I can simply throw back the cover and swing my legs to the floor.

The car is unloaded, laundry done, critters situated.......
we are BACK!!

AND we have two complete extra days!!
We are happy we will be here to welcome the Trick or Treaters tomorrow night!
I am going to be busy making Popcorn Crunch tomorrow afternoon!
THAT will be the special treat for the Special Trick or Treaters in our life!

We are spending this first evening at home sitting in the gazebo.
Louis Dean has already had a nice long soak in the tub while I rested.
Listening to the familiar sounds of our neighborhood at night will be our entertainment.
No TV since we cancelled cable.
An old fashioned evening entertaining ourselves through conversation, reading and music.

It doesn't get any better than this, folks!


  1. Oh enjoy it all...popcorn crunch? Is that anything like an old-fashioned popcorn ball?

  2. There is no place like home soak it up you deserve it !

  3. You must be so very happy! Your deep satisfaction comes out in this post. Enjoy!

  4. I want to trick or treat at your house!!! Wah! So glad you and back and enjoying your home :)

  5. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy
    There really is no place like HOME!!!

  6. Oh I am so happy that you are home, and enjoying it.

    Seems that you really *should* be home for a while. Sorry it took you getting sick, to make it happen. But....... Enjoy every minute of home-time.

    ♥ Happy Halloween...

  7. Hope you slept well in your own bed last nite.
    Popcorn Crunch sounds so good, those lucky trick or treaters:)
    Enjoy every minute being home.

  8. Welcome back!!!! I bet you're gonna enjoy your familiar routine and surroundings....a lot!!

    As for a quiet time and neighborhood entertainment because of no cable ---------we've been without cable for nearly a year, and I must admit I don't miss it one bit. In fact, I doubt we'll ever go back to watching TV

  9. Just flyin' by on my witches broom to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN to my favorite grandmother of quads....:))
    hugs, bj
    O, and when do you go back to them?

  10. Awwww.Comfy bed. Comfy home sweet home. ;o)
