Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Quiet Weekend

Louis Dean and I have enjoyed a quiet weekend. I have been resting to get over whatever it was I caught! Could have been allergies - they are terrible here in Texas this time of year.

 Vick's Vapor Rub - I LOVE that stuff!

It works especially well in a steamy tub!

Just in case you didn't spy Louis Dean in the first picture......

He was huddled under a warm blanket while I soaked in hot water!
Can you believe I was the ONLY one in the pool??
It was nippy only when you weren't IN the water!
A soak in the hot tub followed by a hot shower - PERFECT!

I see Louis DEAN!!!

We spent the evening watching some TV programs.
They were all reruns but it was a nice way to pass the time.
My throat was hurting so we didn't do our out loud reading.
Besides, when you're sick you need to sleep a lot so your body can mend -
 it was early to bed and LATE to rise!

Saturday I felt better and although I rested most of the day we did need to get out for a few groceries.

Louis Dean was out of Cookie Butter so we found the Trader Joe's that opened up in an old movie theater in Houston. It was close to the hospital where Amber was for so long before the quads were born. I have been in Houston long enough to know my way around - a tiny bit, anyway!!

I am feeling much better today but we have stayed put here in the RV park.
Sunday has consisted of eating, naps, eating, football games, reading and painting on my Santas. Now we are closing out the weekend with a fire place and a warm blanket outside. The cold snap seems to have warmed up now so it's just a little chilly!

I will close with a pic Amber posted on Facebook.......

It totally makes me SMILE from ear to ear every time I look at it!

BOO!!! It's Halloween Week!!!


  1. glad to hear your taking it easy...hope you are feeling better...

  2. Hope you are feeling better and back at "it" tomorrow. The above picture is just "picture perfect".

    Virginia B.

  3. Feel better soon, Linda! Your quad grand babies are so precious and growing so beautfully.

  4. I hope you are feeling better! And the babies are so cute.

  5. Fingers crossed that tomorrow will find you up and about without a sore throat and with a return to your usual energy.
    I am definitely going to have to go to Trader Joe's the next time I'm in WA to find some of that Cookie Butter.

  6. Is that Trystan or Logan looking spooked? They make the cutest line-up/ Glad that you are feeling better today and I'm also glad that the temps are more what you expect. Keep healing!

    1. You are right!! That would be Trystan with her big BIG eyes!!

  7. Glad you are feeling some better!!

  8. Hope you are all better!!!

    See you, on the other side of Sandy.


  9. Glad your are taking care of yourself and love that picture of the quads!!

  10. It sounds like a delightful Sunday to me! So glad that you are starting to feel better. I HATE being sick!! I bet that hot tub felt good. I think Louis Dean should've joined you in it! Ha! Love the sweet pic of the quads too. Every pic they're in is adorable with all of them lined up in a row.

  11. awww same expression on either end, they are just so cute!!

    glad your feeling better, that hot tub looks really nice!!

  12. Awww the quads look so adorable, what a priceless photo and I can see why you would be smiling from ear to ear!

    I hope you are feeling better now Linda, take care and enjoy that hot tub, I sure miss the one out at the farm. I should have him move it to the city, I think I'm the only one who uses it anyways... maybe that's wishful thinking! lol

    Have a wonderful week!

  13. I miss our spa and pool but I don't miss the maintenance part. David said maybe we could buy a spa tub for the patio. We'll see. I guess I could our spa tub.
    It's funny to see you in the hot tub and LD all cuddled up in a blanket.
    Glad to hear you're health is improving
