Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Years to Your Health!

That's the name of an herbal shop here in Irving. 

We shopped there this morning and I loaded up with remedies.
I need to be totally well - and SOON!
This afternoon I have sipped more than ONE cup of tea made with my purchases!

We were happy to get our early voting done today and miss the crowds and lines on election day!

I've done everything on my to do list for the day!
Herbal shop.
Hair cut.
Popcorn Crunch.

My sister in law, Lynda Kay, and I used to make this ALL.THE.TIME.
It is delicious and much like Kettle Corn.

I popped up a BIG Tupperware bowl of popcorn and I popped it the old fashioned way -
in a skillet on top of the stove.

Then I pulled out my very old but faithful copper saucepan and melted 1 stick of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 2 Tablespoons of white syrup, 2 Tablespoons of water. Bring to a boil and cook - stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.
Pour this over your popcorn lifting and mixing it to coat the corn.
Dump out on waxed paper and cool.

I store mine in tins!
This BIG tin is to take back to Houston with me.

A smaller tin to take to Fort Worth on Friday.

THEN I made another big batch and bagged up for some special Trick or Treat visitors tonight!

It's just about that witching hour when I need to find my costume, fluff my hair and add a bit of lipstick.
Louis Dean is already out in the front yard picking up pecans!
We will be lighting some candles and leaving the foyer door open so everyone who comes up can see all the fall decorations. We will drink a special wine LD bought at Trader Joe's last week from our Goblin Goblets!

Trick or TREAT????


  1. Happy Boo day...just think next year the grands will be able to participate:)

  2. Hope you have a lovely Halloween at home.

  3. You get more done in a day than I get done in three! Thanks for the recipe. I may have to give that one a whirl. I do love popcorn and kettle corn.

  4. Hi Linda,
    the popcorn looks great and tins would be great Christmas gifts. I always enjoy reading your profile as I feel the same way. My daughter's in-laws lived in Irving for years. I've seen many fire works on the 4th from the hills at Los Colinas CC.
    Cheers, Rita

  5. Yummy, that popcorn sounds delicious!
    Enjoy your ghosts and goblins tonight(and of course your wine)!!!

  6. Hope the tea helps and perhaps the goblins will scare the offending germs away. ;-)

  7. How do you stay so up and cheerful when you are not feeling well? When I am not well, I do not feel like doing anything!

  8. Hope you start feeling better soon. I'm a new blog follower and happy to find your blog. Love kettle corn. Thanks for the recipe.

  9. That popcorn sounds yummy! I hope Hallowe'en went well and that you had fun - and I hope you're soon back in good health.

  10. I just bookmarked your recipe...gonna make some for my grands. :)
    We voted early, too....:)

  11. Mmmmmmm... If you aren't getting better, might it be better to forsake the herbal remedies??? And get thee to your doctor? Hmmmmmmmmmm...

    I don't know exactly what your symptoms are.. But having had 3 months of Acute Bronchitis, one year... I fear, fear, fear any lung congestion. -sigh-

    Sorry to sound like a downer, but..............

    Hope you really enjoyed your Halloween!!!!!!!!! We did.

    Gentle hugs,

  12. Love the name of the shop. Years to Your Health.

    I like kettle corn but give me salt and lots of heart plugging butter. LOL

  13. Nov. 3rd

    The die is cast...

    Please go to my blog, and read under my Header Pic.

    Thank you.

    ["Shoot if you must, this old gray head..."]

  14. Linda, I have just look at your posts that I have missed. I am blown away at how quickly the babies are growing. I still think it's totally amazing how well Amber and her husband are doing...I know it's because of you and LD, helping out as much as you can. You are a wonderful mother Linda, with a great loving husband. Blessings to you both and Amber's family too. Smiles, Susie
