Friday, October 26, 2012

My First Sick Day and Other 'Firsts

I knew it would happen sooner or later. I called in 'sick' today! My throat is burning and I just don't feel good! Last night Louis Dean and I were BOTH in bed and ASLEEP by 8 pm! We didn't get up this morning til 8:20. I should have been all rested but I was STILL tired! Amber had her nanny today so I was relieved about that - I hate to let her down. I am still in my night clothes as I write late this Friday afternoon. This late CHILLY fall afternoon. I have sox on my feet and a denim shirt over my 'night clothes.' I no longer wear nightgowns since we shower and use the facilities across the drive. I sleep in what a generation or two ago would have called a 'house dress!' I have not left the camper all day and I don't intend on doing so. Sick days are for sipping a hot drink, sucking on a cough drop and smelling all mentholated from Vick's Vapor Rub. Check on all three.

I have a few other 'Firsts' for today.......

I used the stove here in the camper for the FIRST time!

I cooked up some sausage, fried an egg, and slapped it on a 100 calorie sandwich bun topped with sliced onion and a piece of cheese. Baked it in the oven for 10 minutes and it was delicious!!

Louis Dean waiting for the meal to finish cooking. He is wearing the same look Harrison has when waiting for his bottle to heat!

I've done the odd and end thing around here that I have been wanting to get done.
This curtain was a Goodwill find and I thought I would get a head start on Christmas by hanging it in the bathroom.
We don't actually use the shower OR tub for anything but storage.
 This curtain hides a lot of STUFF!!

I love the Morenci Candles and I love this candle holder from Bath and Body which Amber gave me. It is fall by design but I use it year round.
After I clean a room the next ritual is to light a candle.

Some more 'FIRSTS' from yesterday......

This was my first time to spoon feed the quads!
Or at least TWO of them!
Can you guess WHICH two these are?

This wasn't their 'First Feed' but it was the FIRST one I did!!
Rice cereal - doesn't every baby love this stuff?
I guess fruits will be coming next!
Goodness! They are growing!

Louis Dean is right there in the thick of it spooning that stuff in the little mouth!!

Another First?
The quad's first October!
They make such cute little pumpkins!!!

I got a really good one of Kailey!

Harrison looked like he was trying to get up and leave!

Logan is a tough one to get to smile but she WAS smiling!
Right BEFORE and AFTER I took this pic!

Trystan is serious about her pumpkin sitting!

Amber was doing a 'Pumpkin Shoot' today with the babies posing in their various
October themed clothes.

I am watching Facebook and her blog in order to be among the FIRST to see them!!

Now, back to my book and blanket. Louis Dean just came back from paying the rent here and he heard it was going to be 40 tonight! That's COLD for this part of Texas!


  1. I love those four little cute pumpkins! I hope you feel better Linda.

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon! The wind is spoof cold our bodies are in shock

  3. Oh dear. Hope that you are feeling much better very soon.
    You do stay warm in your little home away from home, don't you? Goodness, it is only that cold way up here.

    Love the look that Louis Dean caught from Harrison. Ha!

    Those little pumpkins are the cutest!

  4. Your little home-away-from-home sounds so cosy - I hope you're snug and warm tonight!
    The babies are growing so quickly. Their little personalities are showing, I'll bet.
    May you soon be feeling a whole lot better!

  5. Glad you're getting some R&R! It happens...we all get worn down and have to recharge! April was a big help today and Mike got home a little after she left so all's been well. I didn't do the photo shoot today, after all. Got too cold out and the babies have been fussy. Maybe tomorrow if I'm up for it! We decided to stick with the bare minimum around here and just do what was necessary. Ha. Love you!

  6. Know all about house dresses,we must be from the same generation.
    Love all the pics of the babies that you and Amber post:)
    Take care, hope you are feeling better soon

  7. Sorry you aren't feeling well. I recommend a hot toddy - it may not cure you but you won't notice! Some lemon juice, honey, brandy or whiskey and hot water! Cheers

  8. what cuties!! Get feeling better!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh those pictures are priceless!! Just adorable. Are two of the girls identical twins by any chance? The ones on the ends of the four together look like "spitten images" of one another. Maybe its my eyes playng tricks.


    1. I SO agree with you! Trystan and Logan look more and more alike as they grow! They aren't identical (one has a birth mark) but I DO believe they are fraternal twins and I believe Harrison and Kailey are!

      Your eyes are just fine!! I see it TOO!!!

  11. Is it, Logan, Kailey, Trystan, Harrision? Maybe??

    Hope you are quickly feeling better.

    1. Good try!!! I put them in birth order for this one. Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan! It IS hard to tell them apart. LD has a tough time of it!

  12. Oh...gosh...Linda,
    I hope that you are not getting what I got in September.

    Your little pumpkins are the sweetest! Every time I see them, they remind me of God's miracles.

    Get well, my friend!

  13. Sorry you are sick, but so glad you both caught it early. Rest and medicate! :-)

    What wonderful Pumpkin Shoots! Just perfection.

    -gigggles- I can just imagine how much scrubbing, those pumpkins had to go through, to be in a photo shoot with the Quads. -more gigggles- They must have been sterile pumpkins, for sure. :-)

    Oh and I don't know what a face book cover is but, sure. Actually I hope you want to use pics of my Purple Hat. I kind of don't like the idea of someone using pictures which I TOOK, of some else's home, on facebook, I guess. ?????


  14. Love the photo of all four together in their orange sleepers. So darn cute!
    Sure hope you are feeling better soon. No fun feeling icky!

  15. So sorry to hear that you have been sick. That's no fun! With the weather being so cold and not feeling good, staying inside is the best thing for you. I know you can't be around the babies with a cold either. I just love their pics with matching orange and white outfits on! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  16. Linda, So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. You have been going a hundred miles and hour for months, honey. I love the sweet. Smiles, Susie

  17. Well sweet pea, I can't help coming to your posts and getting jealous every time I see the gorgeous quads, but I am very happy they look so healthy and that's a blessing been FOUR and looking so cute in orange, lol! I hope you are better sweetie, I hate colds in the family, as I NEVER get them and yeah, slow down a little honey. Thanks for your visit, I love it when you do. Have a healthy and happy week.

  18. those quads are just too cute for words!!

    i sure do hope you feel better soon!!

    ps, i really enjoyed the photo of ld waiting for his food!!

  19. Hope you're feeling better by all means.
    Those little Bells and Pumkins are sew cute.
