Saturday, July 21, 2012

Friday Family FUN!!!

I left home at 9:00 Friday morning and didn't return until 8:00 in the evening. I had such a good day visiting my 'Fort Worth Family.'

I started the day at my sister's house. She had three of her grandchildren over - plus her daughter-in-law- and her daughter - as well as Deanie's husband.
(I should do a post of Deanie and Charlie's SUPER interesting home someday.)

It was so nice to see family and our visits are NEVER long enough!

I left there to pick up Mother at the beauty shop.

I printed out four pics of the quads to show around and everyone loved getting to see them!! I left all four of the ones I printed just this morning with Mother. She did NOT want to give them back to me! I MUST sit down and order some prints! And SOON!
Louis Dean had a doctor appointment as well as a trip to the pharmacy and they ALL wanted to see pics. He had them! Today was a 'Show and Tell' times FOUR!!
(we printed FOUR different pics! guess we will be doing lots of things in FOURS!)

Mother and I had a good lunch at Chipolte Grill......and Mother loved being able to park right in front of the restaurant - thanks to her handicapped parking hanger!
(She really does need this.....she is not as steady on her feet as she was and we have to hold her hand when she walks.)

We then hit up a few stores.

Mother loves to 'shop' even when she doesn't buy anything!
She - wisely - decided AGAINST these shoes!!!

Next up? The new Trader Joe's on Hulen!!

Mother is ALWAYS in charge of pushing the cart!

These were MY purchases - not hers!
I am looking forward to trying these wines.
They were just $2.99 each!
The Guinness is for LD.
He has fond memories of drinking this in Aberdeen, Scotland when we visited Amber and Mike the year they lived there. He may save it for cooler weather.

After I left Mother I headed over to visit my grandchildren.
Or THREE of my EIGHT grandchildren.
The number of my GK's DOUBLED when Amber recently gave birth to quadruplets!

This is Levi and he is an amazing little boy!
He is Jesse and Leigh Ann's youngest.

Sam is the oldest and has learned to play SIX chords on the guitar!
His granddad is SO happy to hear this!!

I have to brag on my SON as well as my grandson.
Jesse (son) is a gifted photographer and he took this picture.
I love it when my kids post on Facebook!!
I want to print and frame it!!

My granddaughter, Faith.
We all enjoyed a trip to YoBerry!

My beautiful daughter in law and Faith.

It was a GOOD time!
I neglected to take a pic of my son later when we got back to the house.
My bad!

The kids and I spent some time on the back patio playing checkers.
Faith usually takes all the pictures when we get together but Levi was the photographer this time around. He is so savvy with computers and cameras - and he's only FIVE!!

He figured out - without my telling him - how to turn the camera on, snap a pic, preview it and then return to the main menu.

He took his own picture and said, "Look at the screen, Mimi! Am I blurry?"
Levi also has the advanced vocabulary his dad had when HE was that age!

I LOVE this pic that was going around Facebook this past week!!
This could SO be Levi!!

A summer storm blew in while I was still at my son's so it was a good excuse to wait it out and spend more time with the grand kids.

We hope to get the camper ready by the end of the month and I would LOVE to have Sam, Faith and Levi over to have a 'Camping in the Drive Way' experience.
Today we are going to work on the flooring. Louis Dean is already out there.
We are getting CLOSER!!
That's a good thing, too, since 3 of the 4 quads are home.

Only Trystan remains in the NICU.

Oops, I think Louis Dean needs me out in the camper!
We are going to have a BUSY work day!!


  1. I have a million things to say! The babies and their hats were sooooooooo
    cute. You have 8 grandchildren now - wow. Three babies are home - how are they doing - the mom and dad? DOes the hubs mom and dad live close too? You have a great looking family there.

  2. Three are home? Woot! That is just incredible to me. You know, you do have the cutest grandchildren. They are all simply adorable.

    Of course your mother wants the's not every day that a gal gets four greats in one day. It'll give her plenty to share and talk about.

    Have fun're on the home stretch.

  3. What lovely grandchildren you have. And isn't it amazing how kids take to technology - my 2 year old niece just picks up the camera and snaps away.

    super that 3 of the quads are now home - you must be itching to get there!

    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Looks like you had a great time with your family. If only you could split yourself in half to be with them and with the quads at the same time. Oh well. What good news that 3 of the 4 are home. I'm sure Trystan won't be far behind. Then Amber and Mike will have their hands full for sure. Isn't that Levi something? I should hire him to figure out the technology around my house!

  5. So you have a budding guitarist within your ranks?! He is quite the handsome young man. The kids will enjoy getting to camp in your driveway. What fun!!...Happy that 3 of the 4 are home now. How busy they must be!

  6. What beautiful grandchildren you have, Linda!
    That camper must be nearly done. I'm looking forward to the big reveal!

  7. Hi there..
    Those little babies are ADORABlE. I can't even imagine having so many little ones at one time. They are so sweet.
    All your grandchildren are beautiful. Aren't grandchildren very special.
    have a wonderful weekend...come by and visit sometime..

  8. Well lovely Linda, you have a gorgeous family starting from the beautiful "matriarch" of the family..your mother is lovely! All the children and grown ups are so pretty and The Great Four are to die for!! Have fun at home now my sweet friend. Thank you for your sweet and kind comment. Love,

  9. looks like you had a fun time with your other older grandkids. I bet Amber is glad that she has most of her babies home with her now. You are one busy lady these days!

  10. Looks like you had a wonderful day, your Grandkids are adorable!
    WOW 3 Babies home, how are Amber and Mike holding up? Hope they have a few extra helping hands!

  11. Linda, Great photos of all your loved ones. Your camper is looking good. Smiles, Susie

  12. Oh My Gosh! You have a quadruplet. That's a shocker but in a good way. Congratulations.

  13. Happy times! There's nothing better than spending quality time with family in my opinion and you sure had a full day of that!

    That's fantastic three of the babies are home, soon to be all four.

    Have a wonderful productive week Linda, something I'm sure hoping for on this end as well!


  14. Sounds like you had an awesome day. Those eyes on Levi and I love the photo caught of the grandson playing the guitar.
