Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baby Pictures

Don't get excited! These are NOT pics of the quads. Amber has asked me not to jump the gun and post faster than SHE can - she's pretty busy, ya know!

No, these photos came from a small stack of albums that I pulled out from a HUGE stack! The entire top shelf of the foyer closet is stacked with photo albums all the way up to the ceiling!! We have a TON (Literally!) of photos! Most people do!

This is my Little Amber Lynn at 2 weeks old.

Amber Lynn

I have pictures of my first born daughter and son and they all look so very much alike.
Grown - they all have their own unique expressions but some things - lots of things REALLY are in the genes!

This morning I am up before Louis Dean! It absolutely AMAZES me that if I go to bed at 9 pm or so - I can GET UP at 6 and be full of energy!
I'm going to get busy and use it up as long as it last!
We had Louis Dean's nephew over for dinner last night and Brad was teaching his uncle all about a recorder LD purchased some time back but could never figure out how to work it. I think they stayed up late!!

SOOOOOO........I am going to tippy toe out to the camper and start hanging some pretty wallpaper in the lower bunk section. This will be where my granddaughter Faith will sleep and I know she does SO love 'Pretty!'

Happy Thursday to all my friends and family out there in the Land of Blog!!!


  1. Wow..I really think the picture of Amber at 2 weeks, and the little one(without cap)in the picture you posted on Monday 7/16 look identical!!
    Beautiful Babies:)
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Hooray for LD's nephew teaching him *new tricks,* with his recorder or whatever. :-)

    Men understand these things. It's fine with me, to admit that I (woman) do not. :-)

    "Summer set lip to earth's bosom bare,
    And left the flushed print in a poppy there."

    ~Francis Thompson

  3. Precious pictures! I need to organize mine that are a mess. I thank the day we went digital!

    I'm in bed by 10 but I still can sleep the morning away! It is a good feeling to get up before everyone else though, very peaceful.

    Have a great Thursday!


  4. You are sooo ambitious. Hanging wallpaper alone? Your Faith will love it. You sound like such a special Gma.

  5. Going to bed at 9? (That's what John does. When I got up at 6 this morning, he was sitting all showered and dressed and raring to go. We were planning a day trip, but I did need to visit the bank first!)

    What sweet baby pictures of your kiddos. You'll have to compare them with the quads as they grow. I'm sure that you'll see lots of similarities.

  6. love baby photos...they change so quickly...

  7. Fun to reminese by looking at old photos, isn't it?
    The sweetest of memories in those books.
    Sweet babies.

  8. How fun to look at the old photos...and reminisce...and compare to the 'new' photos.

  9. You're right, Kailey does look like Amber's baby picture. How great that you still have them all, even if they were on the top shelf in the closet. Pictures are such precious memories.

  10. When will your camper be ready to go? sandie

  11. Cute pictures!
    See how far behind I am in reading my blogs.
