Sunday, July 22, 2012

Creating a Cozy, Comfy CAMPER is HARD WORK!

We have been working hard on this camper restoration project.
There were times when I looked at the whole thing and thought it was simply impossible to make this into a clean live-able place. Louis Dean has been amazing - as always! I have said it before and will say it again - there is nothing this man cannot fix!
Had Amber not had quadruplets and had she and Mike not lived in the Houston area, well, we would never have had the motivation to tackle the job of turning a neglected and damaged trailer into what will become our 'Home Away from Home!'

But she DID, they DO, and we ARE!

We still have a LONG way to go but not nearly as far as we DID!
We have accomplished a lot. LD has repaired the damaged floor and I have cleaned and scrubbed and decorated around a great deal of debris.

At least now we have ONE side of the camper where we can sit in comfort.

We are enjoying the challenge of decorating and outfitting (as much as we can!) with things we already have. I have made dozens of denim quilts in my time so it was just natural to use recycled denim for the cushions and curtains.
MY side of the table is where the LOVE pillow is.
That's my decorated hammer hanging on the jean curtain.
At least I will always know where to find it!

I've added more wallpaper border and framed posters.

I am using the same principle in decorating the camper as I have done for my house -
MORE is always BETTER!!!
Every wall must have something on it!

The theme of coffee, chickens, rustic country things and whimsical touches pretty much evolved on its own.

As you can see - we still have many things to do!
Drawers and doors and floors - not to mention the BATHROOM!!

One of the bunks is done up in frills and lace for a GIRL guest!
(Like my grand daughter, Faith!)

I used leftover wallpaper from years ago!
I was surprised the pre pasted paper would STICK - it was THAT old!!

It made me happy to pull this lacy comforter out of my linen closet!
It is about 25 years old and as the lace would tear I repaired it with vintage bits and pieces as well as some doilies and ribbon roses. It became a real labor of love and holds lots of memories for me. I have changed styles and bedding over time. We now have a queen size bed and this is a full size comforter. It will work for this bunk just fine though!

I mean to paper the top bunk in a blue print and make it more appropriate for a BOY guest! This will be a project for later.

Our main goal now is to get the vinyl flooring down.
Louis Dean is covering the wood with roofing felt and will put the vinyl on top of that.

He's using a section he salvaged from an old house he was working on some years ago. This is a LOW COST restoration!
We plan to cover the vinyl with rugs to cozy it all up!

I have been discouraged at times but then I remember all the things we have done.
Things that looked impossible.
Like last year's bedroom redo.
And my bathroom the year before that.
If I can 'picture' it done - I'm there!

Right now I am 'picturing' us all comfy and cozy in our cute little camper.
The coffee is brewing and I am getting my journal out to write.
The air conditioner is humming, the cat is purring and the dog is still asleep.
I'm looking around at all the prettiness of the camper and remembering when we started and what a mess it was in.

We're getting there! Step by step!


  1. Yes, you are getting there. What a lot of work you have done and how much you have accomplished. It is looking so cute and homey. I'm sure when you are finished you will look back and wonder how you could possibly have done it all. It will all be worth it, though, to be able to be closer to those sweet grandbabies you have.

  2. Lots of progress. I'm so excited for you!!

  3. You've done an unbelievable amount, you two. That LD is amazing!

  4. You two are a great team and are making steady progress. Way to go!

  5. It does look delightful and you're so close to there. Congrats on plodding along until it's accomplished.

  6. LOTS of hard work!

    But you are getting there! Step by step. Just look at your pics, to appreciate how far you have come.

    "The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise.
    It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us."

    ~~Ashley Montagu

  7. I think you will have the cutest camper around! You have added so much personality to it already. Since you will be living in it for a while, it's a good idea to make it homey. Looks like you've made a lot of progress!

  8. Lovin' it!!!! Keep up the great work in it and keep the pics coming.

  9. Hi Linda
    YOu have a wonderful project making it more and more like your own lifestyle. I love what you've done so far. So many intricite designs and decorations. Its good to take many pictures to look back once you are complete.

    Great job!
    I'm so glad you came by to visit and I'm going to follow you too. I'm looking forward to reading more..
    have a wonderful weekend.

  10. The distance of a thousand miles starts with a step - haha - or something like that. Sandie

  11. The camper is coming right along and looking good, Amber and Mike may want to trade places for an evening. Louis Dean can fix anything and you can make anything pretty. You will both be very happy in your home away from home.
    Your blessed to have the husband and lifestyle you have. But you already know this I'm sure.

  12. Your camper project is looking great! I love your motto (more is better)! Looks like your home away from home will be ready in no time. Sorry I haven't stopped by in awhile. I'm still trying to get adjusted. Know that I'm always thinking of you all, Amber and the Quads though :)

    Have a great week ahead friend

  13. So glad you were motivated to fix the camper...I just know you are going to enjoy it.

  14. 8 years ago my husband redid the interior of our VW van and it took him at least 4 months working full time at that while I worked full time at my job. Eventually it will get done and you will have years of enjoyment! He still spends about a month of "time" on it every year. We have very little wallspace, so decor is minimal-- mostly mementos of our travels. Save room for grandbaby art!
    Love your blog!

  15. Wow! It's looking really good! I drafted a blog post awhile back about things I have learned about living in a trailer with two big dogs. I'll have to get it edited so I can post it!

  16. Y'all have come a long way! Looking good.
