Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fun and Games and Serious Things!

We arrived in Houston about 10:00 Monday morning. Things have been jumping around here!

 Amber and Mike recently bought a Wii so LD and I had to give it a try!

Louis Dean lost all track of time. We had the game on for about 4 hours!

Amber and I played some darts and shuffleboard.....
then Louis Dean played! And played......and played and PLAYED!
He played against the computer and it won most of the time.
When he stopped at 7:00 pm, he asked, "Is it three o'clock yet?"
He absolutely could NOT believe how the time had gone by so fast!

Yesterday Amber had another anatomy scan - the best one yet!
All the babies posed!

Baby 'D' weighing in at 15 oz!

Another Baby D pic......she was stealing the show!

I love these little 4D pics!

Baby 'C' - the BOY! - giving one of his sisters a kiss!
The sister he is kissing really doesn't have a hollow head!!
The babies all look good and have good heart beats.
They are in the 40-50 percentile which is excellent for quads!
The boy baby weighs 1 lb. 2 oz. while his sisters A and D weigh 15 oz. and B weighs 14 oz.
Amber's cervix is closed and has even lengthened to 5 cm from 4.4 last time.
More good news! Looks like another week at home.
Tomorrow marks her 22 week point!

The great photo op  anatomy scan was followed by a visit to Starbucks - which just HAPPENED to be inside Target!

She had her feet propped up and we settled back for a good chatty hour or so!

I LOVED every single moment of that afternoon.

Since we WERE already at Target - we felt like we simply HAD to stroll through the baby department!

I scooped up these tiny Newborn jeans for the quads for $1.80 each!!
They will look adorable with white onesies!

We left the house about 11:45 am and didn't get home until 7:30 pm.
Louis Dean had been left 'home alone' where he napped and put in some computer time. Guess he felt like he needed some attention because he started having some pretty strong chest pains shortly after we got back.
His blood pressure was elevated so I gave him a nitroglycerin tablet.
It took THREE (the maximum dose - one at a time 5 minutes apart) before the pain left and his blood pressure lowered.
WHEW!! I had already put my shoes on and had gathered up some things so I could take him to the ER! SO grateful we didn't have to go!

Today he has felt much better. I scheduled an appointment with his cardiologist for when we get home.

Add to the worry over LD's chest pains and blood pressure was the news about the violent weather back in the DFW area!!
Thankfully - all the family are OK!
The pictures we saw on the news were scary!
Our neighborhood escaped with just some heavy rains.

 I have to brag on my awesome son in law, Mike.
He is truly a man among men! I am so proud of him and the way he is taking care of his family. He had the fridge and pantry all stocked when we got here Monday. He even bought some of my favorite foods just because!
He never walks by Amber without asking her if she needs anything.

I just took a peach cobbler out of the oven and Louis Dean put a ham in.
I'm going to make Company Mashed Potatoes and some Garlic Green Beans along with a salad for dinner. We are looking forward to a stress free evening!
Perhaps a little drive way sitting!


  1. Linda! So glad you popped up on my blog roll. I knew you and LD went to see Amber. I worried about your home!
    Good to hear all is well. The images of the babies are amazing!
    Prayers and Blessing to all!

  2. So glad all is well it was quite an afternoon

  3. I haven't checked in with you for a while. It was good to see what you've been up to. Glad to know that the babies are looking healthy. Also, glad to hear that your neighborhood was spared in that awful weather too. We get tornadoes here too. It's such a scary thing. I hope LD will be ok. Good thing you had those pills available! Enjoy your week resting.

  4. Once you have some time at home I can guess who will be getting Wii! it is addicting. I always wanted to try the exercise one.

    You had a quite a scare with LD and we heard about your terrible weather on the news. Glad everything turned out okay. Your peach cobbler looks delish!!


  5. Everyone is looking great! You guys always find a way to keep yourselves amused. That's going to be important over the next few weeks I think. Isn't it amazing that they can tell how much each baby weighs? I find it fascinating. Things have come such a long, long way since the good old days way back when.

  6. Those scans are AMAZING!
    Can't believe all the details.
    So happy Amber is still at home and I know she's
    happy to have her Mom with her...Hope this was just a
    fluke spell for LD.

  7. Great news about the babies & Amber! I know every week she is home is such a blessing. LOVE the pics. Those babies are just precious.

    VERY glad to hear LD is feeling better. I can't imagine how scary those spells must be. Many prayers that everything checks out just fine when he goes back to the cardiologist.

    You and your yummy peach cobblers. If you keep making them, I'm flying out to visit :)

    Glad your town was spared during the storms and all your family is okay. So scary, the one that hit here has now put me on the edge of my seat. Any sign of thunder and I'm checking the forecast. Many prayers for all those affected.

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!! Will you be spending Easter with Amber & Mike?

  8. So glad to hear the quads and mom, and YOU, too, are still doing well.

    Hang in there. Blessings to you - Marsha

  9. Good news all around! I was worried about you, so am glad to read that all is well after the storm.

  10. Linda, Praying for your family , all of you. Glad you are getting your husband to the dr. (scary) Oh my gosh, 4 babies. I had two toddlers then had twins,....if it had not been for my mother-in-law letting me nap some days the first 2 weeks..I don't think I would have made it.That was so many years ago..but I remember. Smiles, Susie

  11. What a wonderful looking bunch of grands you have over there! How special that you can be there to support...before, during and after.

    That peach cobbler is calling to me now!

  12. Just glad you weren't on the road coming or going when those storms hit.
    Wii just like computers are addicting and you can lose track of all time.
    It's time for me to head home and Now I'm hungry after seeing that peach cobbler. LOL
