Friday, April 6, 2012

In His Steps

Louis Dean and I are reading this classic book by Charles M. Sheldon written in 1935. Every morning I read a chapter out loud after we have had our coffee and Bible reading. Perfect choice as we celebrate Easter.

Louis Dean has set up a nest of sorts for us out in the garage.
Our coffee pots - we have TWO! - one for his 'truck driver' brew and a smaller for my kinder weaker gourmet blend - are all situated on a table out there.
The birds provide the 'choir' music as we sit, sip and read!

'What would Jesus do?' has become of a bit of a cliche these days and it is good for me to stop and contemplate the depth and ramifications of this simple but eloquent question.

It doesn't seem like Easter weekend.
I haven't made Easter Bread, Hot Cross Buns or colored eggs.
However I am reminded as we read this book how important it is to live our faith each and every day - weighing every action, thought and decision - in light of the question -
'What Would Jesus Do?'

May you all experience the blessings of this Easter Season.


  1. Happy Easter Linda.....enjoy your time with your daughter and SIL...

  2. Even w/o the gazebo you two have still found a way to spend quality time together- such a good practice. Great photo too. . .Have a blessed and joyous Easter, Linda.

  3. Happy Easter Linda, to you and Louis Dean and your family.
    Wherever you go you take your home, your faith, your love with you. What a good example you two are!

  4. I read that book so long ago and loved it. I think it's time for a re-reading. Joe and I are reading a biography of Hudson Taylor who founded the China Inland Mission. We have the same thing -- tea, Bible, book -- but ours is when I get home from work. It's such a special sharing time, isn't it? As Sweet Tea said, you two find time for each other no matter where you are. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

  5. A very poignant, and satisfying post today as I read and contemplate life from your words!!!

  6. Happy Easter Dear Linda- Hope your weekend is filled with tons of blessings!
