Sunday, April 1, 2012

My 500th Post!

It is hard to believe I am at the 500 mark milestone in Blog Posts! I have had a lot of fun and met some incredible people. Thank you, all my blogger friends. I have enjoyed seeing into YOUR world!

Here is a glimpse into mine on this fine Palm Sunday on the 1st of April 2012!

Louis Dean and I spent the whole beautiful day pretty much in our front yard!

I love this shadow shot!
We mowed and weeded, hedged and edged!

Stopping often to admire the roses.
See the mint encroaching around the bushes?
Alas, I did NOT get around to pulling a bunch of it up!
NEXT week! I promise myself!

The climbing roses are blooming like crazy!
They bloomed last year - ONCE! At Easter.
Perhaps that's the way they do. I am not a TRUE gardener......
just  a happen chance one.

Lots of flowers came back from last year.
I am done planting annuals.
TOO expensive.

This is a real habitat for birds!
They love the roses, the feeder, the honeysuckle........that bush was simply FULL of birds when I snapped this picture.

I dearly love my honeysuckle. It's been my favorite flower since I was a child.
I KNOW that it is considered a weed in some parts of the country......
but I love it anyway!

We gave all our plants a good watering at the end of the day.
That will hopefully hold them for a week.

The scar across the yard from the drain Louis Dean put in a couple of months ago is healing nicely. No more flooding problems in the den!

Louis Dean is eyeing some things that are ready to load for our trip to Houston in the morning.

While HE loaded I did a little yoga.......mainly 'corpse pose.'

A little tea and a bit of reading time was a good reward at the end of the day.

Louis Dean has already gone to bed. We have an early appointment with the Interstate in the morning. While I have enjoyed our week at home and we have accomplished SO much - I am still anxious to get back down to see Amber. She will be approaching her 22nd week on Thursday. So far so good. She is now on a blood pressure medicine - even though her blood pressure was NOT high! It is supposed to help relax her uterus and prevent contractions. This makes her a little woozy and light headed so I am happy we will be down there WITH her this week. Not sure how many more weeks she will be able to stay at home. The hospital possibility looms large every Thursday when she has her doctor appointment. They are taking it week by week. Can't plan too far these days!

Lucy seems to know we are going somewhere. Of course SHE goes with us. Maggie is oblivious. She will miss us, though!
I have filled several small wine glasses full of water and lined them up on the hearth in the den for her. She prefers to drink from a glass!

I love my little cat.....and my dog! I love my yard.....and my flowers.
I pretty much love my life and am grateful to God for all his blessings. I'm thankful to be able to go down and spend time with my daughter as she keeps those quads of hers baking in the oven!
 This Holy week is a good time for me to still......meditate....and be thankful.


  1. congrats on your 500th post..awesome...have a safe trip to Houston...enjoy your visit...I love honeysuckle too...mine is blooming...

  2. Congratulations on your 500th post!

    And blessing to you and your daughter as she carries those little blessings to come. :)
    Happy Easter - marsha
    (LOVED those wonderful pictures.)

  3. Safe journey tomorrow. Blessing for your whole family.

  4. hi, I love your front yard and reading your words...the roses are beautiful! I am glad I dropped inspire me to feel blessed...

  5. Congratulations on your 500th post...that's a lot of writing!! Good for you {and us!}

    Your garden is so pretty. You definitely have a green thumb! The roses are stunning!

    Have a safe trip and I am sending prayers for Amber!


  6. Congrats on reaching your 500th post! I love reading your blog!

    Beautiful photos, you have so many pretty flowers! I need to do some planting around here. I just haven't gotten to it yet.

    Have a safe trip & enjoy your time with Amber :)

  7. Congratulations on your 500th post!!!

    Have a safe trip.

    Hope all stays well, this week, with the Mommy-to-be.

    "A gush of bird-song, a patter of dew,
    A cloud, and a rainbow's warning,
    Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue--
    An April day in the morning.”

    ~~Harriet Prescott Spofford

  8. Good morning, Linda. By now you must be quite a ways down the interstate, but I wanted to say 'congratulations on your #500!'
    I think of Amber often and say a prayer for her continued good health!

  9. Congrats on 500 posts. Wow, you're like a whirlwind. May this week be a calm one where everything goes very well indeed. Amber is a star!

  10. Linda,
    I am praying for your daughter. Her life will never be the same, don't you know. I loved your gardens. Looking at your man resting, I can see that he was taking a break. He's probably a hard worker. My Teddy Bear is just like that. Have a safe fun trip. Enjoy your stay. Smiles to you, my new friend, Susie(She Junks)

  11. i really enjoyed this entry because it told me so much about you. we are very similar in so many ways.

    congrats on 500, your hubs is adorable and my climbing roses only bloom once, in the spring. depending on the type of rose, they all have different habits!!

    have a safe trip and i know you will enjoy the best part, time with your daughter!!

  12. Your lawn is beautiful! I love the roses, the flowers, all of it! What a ton of work to get that all looking so good, but totally worth it.

    It's awesome to hear that Amber is doing good and hanging in there, hopefully she won't have to go to hospital, but if she does she has you to help her pass the time.

    Sounds like one spoiled cat, drinking from a glass! lol

    Have a wonderful week... oh I love your yoga pose! lol

  13. Right, sorry... CONGRATULATIONS!! That's a lot of posts but once blogging is a part of daily routine it's in your blood it seems. I love blogging, it's still my me time and I love to share my journeys with others.

  14. Wow 500 posts!! Love your safe!

  15. We lived in Tennessee and Alabama when Mr D was in the Army. I can still smell the Honeysuckle!
    You have so many beautiful blooms! We had our first real Spring Day yesterday!
    Safe travels!
    The best of blessings.
    w/prayers and Love

  16. 4/3

    I'm on a blogging break, but saw news of Dallas/Fort Worth TX twisters. Are they near you?

    ARE YOU ALL OK???????????????

  17. Congrats on reaching 500! That's quite an accomplishment. Your yard is so beautiful. I love roses and honeysuckle. I wish I could just sit there in that lovely place and chat with you. Have a safe trip this week.

  18. Hi Linda,
    Wow you have 500 posts..that's amazing I'm not even at 200 yet...LOL I am very slow.
    Amber is doing so great she is over half way through. Its wonderful that you can spend time with her and help her out. Have a safe trip, sending lots of hugs, Elizabeth

  19. April 4th, in the morning...

    It's me again. Dear Linda, please, please, please post that you all are fine. I am so worried.

    Deb (Ladybug from TX) is fine.

    But you were to leave Irving and travel to your daughter's... And I think, that's where the awful storms hit.

    Perhaps you are just without power. I hope that is all. And you will update your blog, when you are able to do so.

    Lots and lots of hugs,
    (who is on a blogging break. But news like this, has me typing again)

  20. I'm glad for you! And you have a magnificent those roses...the tree,,, good!

  21. congrats on your 500th post and your beautiful garden!
    have a blessed Holy Week. Easter is coming!

  22. Wow 500 really, that's awesome.
    Really someone considers the honeysuckle a weed. The goofies. We actually have honeysuckle at the new place at the base of a tree blooming. Didn't know it until it bloomed. Can't smell it though. ;o/ I love those little star stakes. Where did you find those?

  23. Congratulations Linda, that's quite a milestone! Your garden is looking very luxuriant.

  24. Congrats on your 500th post! Your roses are amazing!
