Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting Ready to PARTY!!

We are gearing up for a big party!! Saturday we will celebrate Amber and Mike's QUADS with an Open House for lots of friends and family. The time is drawing closer!

Louis Dean decided we needed a little fortification to start what proved to be a BUSY day!!!

SO! We treated ourselves to lunch at our favorite hamburger joint!

LD and I SPLIT a cheeseburger, fries and an order of ONION RINGS!
With all the fat and calories from such a meal - we were good to GO!!

This is the result of 'Shop til we DROP!!'
Have I mentioned we are having a PARTY???

Louis Dean is a GREAT cook! He does a mean brisket!
Or TWO!!! One end of the brisket is always bigger than the other.
Clever man that he is.....he cut them in half and cooked the two LARGE ends together!!
The two smaller ones will be cooked in the morning.

He says to tell you everything has to be measured precisely!!

We never do anything the same way twice! It is all good every time, though!
LD loves my homemade BBQ sauce. This evening I made at least a quart of it.
I never make it the same way twice either! Catsup, brown sugar, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and seasonings -
garlic, onion, salts, pepper.....and some mustard.

A little 'hands on' action!

This is the first roaster of brisket! Another one will be on to cook in a few hours.
We will be up - off and on - all night!

The potatoes and eggs are ready to mix into salad!

We are beginning to set things up for serving.
I like to do as much as I can ahead of time!

This will be the beverage center.
Wine, tea, beer, lemonade and Coke.
Nita, do you see the jug of Captain Morgan???

LD loves his roaster! Our house is smelling good right about now.
I think it is time to pour a glass of wine and put our feet up for a spell.
Tomorrow will be a busy day of more preparations!
Summer is coming to help me get it all together.
What would I do without her??

This is going to be fun like a PARTY!!!


  1. Wow I can smell it all the way in TN. Wish I could be there. I especially LOVE brisket, TEXAS style of course. Around here they always want pork. Imagine that!lol I do hope you all have a wonderful celebration and the making of some awesome memories.I look forward to the after party post and pictures.
    Love to all, Luann

  2. How exciting that the Quads are almost ready to make their debut. I don't know how you can stand the suspense. :)

    I'll bet it will be a great party!

  3. What a great reason to celebrate! The LD is a wonder - imagine him cooking that brisket. It must smell heavenly. I hope you have a grand time - all the ingredients are there for it!

  4. Big party happening soon. Hope you will have time to post a few pictures. Exciting.

  5. Lady, you are starving me to death!!! Onion Rings & Brisket. Seriously, you should have had a note that read "Pregnant women should not read" LOL!

    I'm SOOOOO excited to hear all about the party!!!!

  6. I think everyday at your house is a party:) Sounds like a great time.

  7. Sounds like a fabulous party...I looooove brisket and wine. ;))
    Are ya'll doing ALL the food and ALL the drinks?? WOW.....

  8. Fantastic preparations, already!

    Enjoy! Enjoy1 Enjoy!

    "One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats." ~Iris Murdock

  9. So you have a husband that loves to cook too? Isn't that wonderful? He looks like he knows what he's doing. It all looks so good. Wish I could smell it. Hope y'all have a wonderful time tomorrow and take lots of pics to share.

  10. You two know how to throw a party! YUM, YUM, and YUM!
    (I thought we were the only ones that abandoned green mints and punch for a baby shower!) Your family is in my daily thoughts and prayers!

  11. Have a great time! It looks as if it's going to be a lot of fun with a lot of great food. Hmmm...

  12. I thought I smelled something good coming from your side of town..yall have a great time this weekend....

  13. hmmm I think I can smell it here in AZ.... yumm

  14. Since it's Saturday evening here I guess your party will be in full swing. Hope you all have a really great time!

  15. everything looks great and you have the best reason for a celebration!!

    man those onion rings looked delicious!!

  16. What a FEAST!!
    I love the way you're setting it all up and if I'm reading the weather map right it looks like tomorrow will bring wonderful weather. Enjoy! Then when you've rested a bit we'll be expecting to see photos!

  17. It all looks great...and smells so good! Looking forward to your report. I'm sure it was all great fun!

  18. Hi Linda,
    Oh my stars, the brisket looks delish! I love a man who can cook. My hubby loves to cook too, but boy the mess he leaves behind LOL.
    What a fun party full of wonderful food, family and the best celebration ever!
    Blessings all around for your family.
    Have a sweet day and hugs,Elizabeth

  19. Looks like everyone was feed well and the adult beverage was ample. LOL
    See you in Houston soon
