Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Party - Texas Style!

It is quiet here this Tuesday morning in the hush of 'after the party's over.' I love throwing a party - and going to a party - I even loved cleaning up AFTER the party!
As I went through each room I could recall the guests and chatter and laughter. It was a good time.

This Texas themed party was actually a baby shower - or BABIES shower! - for the quadruplets Amber is carrying. Although as a child, Amber's favorite colors were pink and purple, silver and gold, she is NOT into the baby pastels. She doesnt even OWN a pink garment now that she is grown. Amber and Mike wanted an opportunity to visit with as many of their friends and family as possible - not just the females but the husbands, boyfriends and male family members as well - so a QUAD PARTY it was!

Saturday was a perfect day for it, too!! Blue skies and mild tempertures!

Look at this ADORABLE Western cake!! It was made by a lady right here in Irving.
Her name is Rose Blake and she is on the Irving ISD approved vender list.
Last weekend alone she made NINE cakes -
 including 2 gorgeous wedding cakes, a grooms cake, a princess birthday cake, a quinceanera and several cakes for confirmation parties.... she was a busy woman!

The thing about hosting a big party - you can't take a lot of pictures while doing it! Summer and Mike took quite a few and I hope to post some of them later in the week.

Summer snapped this one before the guests began to arrive.
I popped Sabrina's western hat on my head and kept it there for most of the afternoon.

We had thought to use it as part on the decorations on the bales of hay -
until I decided to WEAR it!!

We had lots of people come to SHOWER the quads with welcoming gifts!
My favorite gift of all was from the most creative gal I know!! Her twin sister just gave birth to TRIPLETS earlier this month!

The little boy came home from the hospital yesterday and the two little girls went home today! Aren't they beautiful???

Their awesome aunt made these personalized  'Minky' Blankets for them!

She made FOUR of these gorgeous MINKY  blankets for the quads!
They are lined with silky fabric and are amazing! Talk about a blanket you want to wrap yourself in! I should make a big one for ME! Marie had Amber's Texas Taste in mind when she created these!!

Marie does everything to perfection including the packaging.......

.....and the card......

....and even the laundry instructions!!!

You can see Marie's Blog HERE!!!

She does just about everything from cakes and cookies, candies and cards, crafts and ALL THINGS Creative!!!

The party was a success as was the one given by Mike's family and friends the next day.

That party was done in a St. Patrick's Day theme......since it was originally scheduled for the holiday weekend. We are all so flexible when it comes to changing plans and switching gears for the Quad Squad and their parents!

This was taken at the party on Sunday.

My FAVORITE pic of Mike as he posed with a few of the many gifts from his parents!

I must say the support and encouragement from BOTH families and ALL of the many friends have been heartwarming. It does take a village as they say!

OK! Two down and one to go!
I will be loading all the Texas style decorations - including the bales of hay! - in our big white truck and heading south in a few days. We have a little more celebrating and partying to do before the next segment of the quad journey!


  1. I wanna come!!! Big Wah!!! I love all the decorations. Just great!

  2. I've been waiting for this blog post. Looks like it went off well. So glad it was a beautiful day all the way round. Have fun at the next one too. Hope Amber is resting so she is good to go one more time. Luann

  3. These were great parties, Linda! You Texans do everything BIG! I love it! And you look beautiful in the hat! :)


  4. I'm so impressed with the decorations and the cake! Everything looked so cute. Your daughter is just glowing! Glad y'all had fun and she getting what she needs for her babies.

  5. It all looks lovely, just what I expected it would be! The pictures are so happy

    Those tiny babies are simply delightful, as are those little blankets. How clever is she to make something like that!

  6. Great post!! Love the mention on your blog. I love creating stuff

  7. love that cake...sounds like the party was a big TEXAS success....so exciting waiting the arrival of the quads...

  8. love that cake...sounds like the party was a big TEXAS success....so exciting waiting the arrival of the quads...

  9. Linda!
    Everything looked fabulous! True Texas Style! Amber and The Quadfather
    are radiant! So much love and so much care with every detail from the decor, to the food and the gifts!

  10. I KNEW this was gonna be a GREAT party and it absolutely was. What a great time of celebrating. Love the Texas theme. It looks like a magical evening!

  11. Oh delightful! What a great group of people...family and friends who help to celebrate the extraordinary Quad Squad... Party on... Amber looks so beautiful and totally radiant.

  12. Oh, my....what a fun time this must have been. The decorations are all just adorable.....you in your cowgirl hat...THE CUTEST OF ALL. :))

  13. Linda, you must be the only one who can even enjoy cleaning up, after a big party. What a wonderful outlook you have!

    Fantastic party! Knew it was this past weekend and every once in a while, I'd think of you. And of your PARRRRRRTY. And wondering just when it was taking place. :-)

    Happy memories. With so many more, to come.

    "The most serious charge which can be brought against New England is not Puritanism but February."
    ~Joseph Wood Krutch

  14. Oh what fun! Everything was so nicely done...and your daughter looks fabulous. I think they will need a Texas sized truck to haul home all the beautiful gifts.
