Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Romantic Lighting

Everything looks better with the right light!
This is our big elm tree to the left of the gazebo with a little pond beside it.
Louis Dean is so proud of the fountain he designed from a bird bath.
You can't see it in this pic but we love the sound it makes!

Last might Louis Dean and I spent some time together in our freshly cleaned gazebo!

We made a fire using some of the twigs and debris we have been cleaning up.
Sitting out there sipping a glass of wine and gazing into the fire is one of our all time favorite things to do. The nice thing about being busy and working hard is it is SO nice when you stop to rest! Which is what we have been doing on and off all day.
We each took naps and have been working in spurts. I think a lot was accomplished in this manner today! AND we are not nearly as exhausted as we were last night!
The deck is back down - hopefully for the FINAL time!
All that is left is some clean up outside, shopping, housework, cooking and baking.
Then it will be PARTY time!!

SO while our yummy dinner is cooking -
I think I hear Louis Dean out there at the side of the house.
I better go see what he is doing.
I swear if I were not here to stop him - I believe he would work til he dropped!


  1. You two really have been working hard! Hope that the digging is all finished and that there'll be no more wash-outs. That gazebo is a great place for relaxing and unwinding.

    Hope that you're feeling better very soon, too. Perhaps the sinuses are acting up because of all the work in the yard.

  2. I miss being able to work like that and feeling like I got SO MUCH done at the end of the day. Or just being able to push through the tired and knock out stuff that's bugging me. But I'm not, so don't worry!! I am so excited for this weekend and I know it's all going to be perfect, no matter what happens. Love you!

  3. You will have a wonderful time with family and friends this weekend.

  4. I'm really looking forward to hearing about the weekend, I'm sure all your (and LD's!) hard work will be much appreciated.

    It all looks so lovely and twinkly!

  5. I'm glad that y'all were able to take a break and enjoy some peace and quiet by the fire. I love doing that too. That food sure looks good that you're getting ready to cook. Looks very healthy too.

  6. you two work so hard....I know you are excited about the quad party...

  7. Again, I don't know where you and Louis Dean get your energy from.! The gazebo looks like such a great place to relax and enjoy a drink. Did you grill your dinner? It looks great!


  8. The gazebo looks like a great get-away.
    What a treasure!

  9. Glad that you all are making progress but even more glad that you guys found some time for some rest & relaxation!!!

    I'm so excited for this party & I'm not even attending LOL :)

  10. There wasn't even one of those pictures I didn't want to participate in....lovely.

  11. Love how y'all spend time in the gazebo. Hope to have my patio to spend time on with all the construction. ;o)We're getting closer.
