Monday, January 2, 2012

Easing into the NEW Year!

It has been a slow day for me as I have eased my way into this second day of 2012. I never get as much done as I INTEND to do. Therefore I tried to whittle my intentions down to match my energy level today. It worked! Just a little bit of 'Windexing' left and I am done. Both bathrooms, the bedroom and the guest room are all back to their 'Pre Christmas' state. I enjoyed the clean guest room so much I took a little nap in there when I was finished.

Lucy and I took a walk late this afternoon. I left Louis Dean working in the backyard.
He is turning the play fort of Ben's (he is now 23!) into a storage area. He is so creative! He used old glass sliding doors for the west and east sides and has been busy framing it all in.

I love this tree! It lives down the street and around the corner.
In the summer the bark peels off in long strips.
Now the upper branches are smooth and glistening white!

It was in the 40's as we walked through the neighborhood.
 The low tonight will be 26 degrees. Brrrr! I may turn our heat ON!

Lucy was SO excited to go for a walk I felt guilty!
She acted as if she NEVER gets out!

While I LOVE the sound of walking through crunchy leaves.....
I am so proud of Louis Dean for dealing with ours back in mid December.
He doesn't believe bagging is a good thing so he mows them.
Says it is good for the grass.
I remember years when it was March before I dealt with them.

We intend to spend this Monday evening in the den by the fireplace.
Maggie is already warming herself by the fire.

I still have some journal work to do.......
reflections on 2011.

And predictions for 2012.

I am glad that I have kept journals for the last 26 years.
I would NEVER remember when and what happened without them!

There does seem to be a thrill of excitement as I open this brand new journal and wonder how the year will unfold and all the blessings and experiences we will have.

"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."


  1. New Year, new chapter! You are productive as always. :)

  2. it is cold...atleast the sun has been shining..sounds like you got a lot done today...a nap is always nice...I took one today too...

  3. It's a fresh new year, with all its possibilities and promise!
    Up here it's just rain, rain and more rain...but you know what they say...'at least we don't have to shovel it!'

  4. I have been using my blog as my journal, but this year a friend gave me a "gratitude journal" which I am very excited to start using. How great that you have so many journals to look back on.

  5. So very true, make the most of every day (not always easy to do but great to try).

  6. I am using this blog now as a journal. I've tried many time to keep some kind of journal but before a year goes by I give up. With the blog people ask me why I haven't posted lately so it makes me be more diligent. I think I just spelled that wrong.
    I love the kitty sitting in front of the fire place.

  7. You cut back on your *wanna-do'es* and you still did so much!!!!!!!!! :-)

    Love the photo, into the sun. Love pics like that. And all your pics are so pretty. I could just curl up by the fire with your kitty cat, myself!!!

    I so envy people who have kept Journals. I never kept at it. Get urge, now and then, but it fades. Silllllllllllllly me!

    Gentle into the New Year hugs,

    "It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is
    than to persist in delusion,
    however satisfying and reassuring."

    - Carl Sagan (1934-1996)

  8. I think that it is nice that you've kept a journal for so many years. I used to keep one when I was a teenager and have enjoyed reading it (now that I have a teenager of my own) and recalling what I did back then. I remember thinking that my son was sleeping too late, but then I read in my old journal that I used to do that when I was his age too. I had forgotten.

  9. Linda, I just discovered your blog and love it!

  10. Mr. Sweet is the journal keeper in our family. He has done it for 40 years...just amazing the wealth of information that lies in those journals.

    I, too, am moving pretty slow, this first part of the new year. I got worn out thru Christmas and New Year's Eve and it will take me a few days to get rested up. Washing yesterday, tho, caught me back up on that chore.:)

  11. Happy New Year Linda! I too am starting this year out on a much slower pace. Too many hectic things going on in my life & I'm determined in 2012 to slow down & smell the roses. I love that you journal, such a wonderful thing to leave behind for those you love in the future. Hope you & LD enjoyed your day & stayed warm. It's bitter cold here in Kentucky :)

  12. Sounds wonderful!!.. I still have my house is still a disaster!... Haven't had much time for anything...and it's almost the 4th!

  13. Lucy is so adorable! And I can't believe that it's going down to 26, that's a beautiful summer day here! I love journals, great idea Linda, I have to catch up on mine once these studies are done. I'm so glad I started this blog 3 years ago, it's all gone by so fast and when I want to recall something I go back through my blog.

    My tree is still standing, you're more than welcome to come put mine away if you run out of things to do! lol Have a wonderful day!

  14. you have captures some very pretty momments!! as for my guest room, once it's clean, i stand only in the doorway to admire it, it is the most wonderful room in the house. i long to nap there but would never mess it for myself, only my "guests" get to do that. i am a silly girl!!

    my home is going in to valentine mode!!
