Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Red Cardinals for Winter!

I have been busy UN decorating. It is a melancholy process.
I have much more fun putting it UP than I do taking it DOWN!
My collection of red cardinals seemed perfect for a little winter decorating.
Most of these were gifted to me by my oldest daughter, Summer.

This is the newest one from her.

I  had enough to decorate a whole tree at Christmas!
 I added a little 'ice', gold and red ornaments.
Plus I always tuck in evergreen garlands to fluff out a plain tree.
This makes it look less 'artificial.'

I just took this tree down today.......

......and moved the birds to their new winter home -
my sewing room.
Louis Dean and I do so love watching the birds.
I have kept a bird watching journal since the early 90's.

It is thrilling to discover a 'new' bird in the yard!

I bought the vintage easel at a craft fair.
With a TON of vintage forks in my possession-
I just need to get Louis Dean to help me transform them!
The lady who crafted this one said it is harder than it looks.
I believe her!

It will be nice to have a little spot of RED in my sewing room for the winter days of 2012!

This room is right in front of the gazebo.
I can see the clock in the center of the wreath from my chair out there.

Now I have been known to hang pictures on furniture.
This is the first time I have hung canvases on KNOBS!

Still trying to figure out how to get that third canvas up there!
This chest holds my acrylic paints - which I seldom use.
The wine tapestry satchel is where I store my Greek and Latin study materials.
I bought the tapestry covered canvases at Goodwill......
FOR the canvases!
AT $1.99 it was a good deal.
I can use them for future paintings and then use the tapestry for....
I will think of something!


  1. I love your cardinals...they are one of my favorite birds..

  2. Cardinals are such beautiful birds. Those fellas are going to add so much to your sewing room this winter!

  3. How nice to have a touch of red to brighten up the winter season. I like cardinals too. Especially the ones at my bird feeder.

  4. Oh I'm glad that you have found a way to enjoy the birds a little longer. It can be rather melancholy taking everything down.

    Our last night with the tree is Friday. Believe me, we'll make it special. I'm going to enjoy my snowflakes, bubble lights, and a few other things through the winter. And the bubble light nightlight is out all year...that's how much I love it.

  5. I love watching birds too. Looks like you've got alot of good reading material to help you identify them when you see them.

  6. I remember the first time that I saw a Cardinal. It was in Kentucky in 1973. We don't have them up here. We have Blue Jays. They are pretty, but there is something special about a RED bird. Your tree was magnificent!
    They look quite at home in your sewing room. So pretty!

  7. The red cardinals are just perfect for winter decor! I have all my snowmen sitting around, now if we could just get some snow!

  8. Love cardinals! Love red!

    You continue to be so creative, my Dear. You are an inspiration.

    "Animal crackers, and cocoa to drink,
    That is the finest of suppers, I think;
    When I'm grown up and can have what I please
    I think I shall always insist upon these."

    ~Christopher Morley

  9. Love your little birdies. ;o) So do you decorate for Valentines. You're so good at this decorating thing.
