Sunday, January 1, 2012

Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread!

My mother AWAYS cooked black eyed peas and cornbread for the New Year!

And that is exactly what we had today!
We drove out to Rowlett to eat a late lunch with Summer and Sabrina as well as some of Sabrina's family.

Talk about good food!!!

A great meal, good conversation and a movie - 'The Lincoln Lawyer' -
perfect way to spend a New Year's Day!

Raynie and I did a little playing around with my make up bag!
She is such a 'girlie' girl!

Not only did we spend New Year's Day with them.....
we spent New Year's Eve out in Rowlett, too!

Louis Dean enjoyed a before dinner glass of wine out in their lovely back yard.
It was a warm last night of 2011 here in North Texas.

Hard to get a picture of everyone from the dog to the baby and the rest of us in between....all with our eyes open and looking good!!

Well, the New Year has arrived. I feel a little numb from all the excitement of the holidays. It's kind of like all I really want to do for awhile is sleep. And then clean.
Sleep and clean. That about sums up my plans for this week.

"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."
~Bill Vaughan


  1. I'm glad that you chose sleep first. =)

    You have the sweetest family and they always look so happy to have their pictures taken, including you. You're all very photogenic!

  2. A good time was had by all I think. I did nap today, take down the Christmas decorations, packed them away for next year. Thanks for visitng.

  3. I love the quote, that's the same one I put on facebook as my status... which reminds me I have to go back and change that now.

    It looks and sounds like a magnificent way to welcome in the New Year. Your granddaughter is so adorable and the family photo I can totally relate to trying to get "the" shot, we need to learn photoshop, problem solved! lol The meal looks amazing, the house is beautiful! I love windows like they have, mind you I'd want to live in the country with that many windows, there's not enough privacy in the city... mind you that's what blinds are made for.

    Have an amazing and wonderful New Year, it's off to a fabulous start! :-)

  4. Sounds as if you had a wonderful time with your family. Isn't that the best? Your granddaughter is so cute. As for sleeping and cleaning, I'm totally with you.

  5. We always had blackeyed peas and cornbread when my mother was with us. I always make them still. Looks like you had plenty of sides to go with yours, the peas are the main dish.

  6. Looks like a lovely time!!!

    Lots of gentle beginning the New Year hugs,
    "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God
    who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect
    has intended us to forgo their use."

    ~ Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

  7. Happy New Year Linda and LD!
    I can't wait until Holland and I can play with make up! Your posts just make my day! That's why I always try to visit you in the morning! I will admit that I pop in when I am at work as well!
    You are such a joy!

  8. What a spread!! Good food, family and doesn't get any better than that!!

    Wishing you all the best in the New Year! It has been lovely getting to know you, Linda!


  9. Cornbread....YES! eyed peas....I'm not so sure, as I've never tried them.....we got our good luck for the new year by having a dark haired man be the first to enter the house on the 1st of January.

  10. Can you send some of that warm Texas weather over my way? We were spoiled during the holidays with mild temps, but now we're being hit with artic air and high winds. Yikes! We southerners aren't used to all that!! Glad that you had a nice New Years Eve with your family. I forgot about eating certain foods on new years day. Don't black eye peas stand for good health? I can't remember. I know collard greens bring you wealth. It's a cute tradition anyway.

  11. Summer and Sabrina's home is beautiful, just from looking at the pictures. This is going to be a great year for them I just know it! It's great you and Louis Dean would join them in their new home to bring in a new year!

  12. Here's to 2012!
    Pam found a new recipe for Blackeyed Pea salad. She hates them but she loved them in salad form.
