Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas Advent Pillows for Children

I made these this afternoon for my grandchildren.
They are of the age where they count down the days to CHRISTMAS!!
Ages 5, 7, and 9! The youngest is just 1 1/2 but I made her one anyway!

My youngest two children were gifted with a set from a dear friend, June, back when they were young. They LOVED them!!
"HOW many days til Christmas??"
The advent pillow counted the days.
Every night the kids would mark out the day with a big X!

These were easy to make! You could go more elaborate - as I well may do next year!!
As in adding in the current interest of each child. TOYS...perhaps!
Or you could even make them a bit more simple.
The possibilities are endless!!

You start with a white pillow case, a straight edge, ruler and various paint pens and/or paints!

You can fancy them up as much as you like.
If you use dimension paint - the child can always flip the pillow over and sleep on the plain side. I added a bow to the grand daughters' cases.

I made each one a little different.
I did put the 24th and 25th in different paint so they would KNOW Christmas Eve and Christmas.

It was a fun and relatively inexpensive project.
I bought both the pillows and the cases at the Dollar Store.

'Tis NEARLY the season!!!

I am off on a journey in the morning!
Miles to travel but I have an audio book to keep me company and a daughter to welcome me at journey's end!


  1. that is such a cute idea...lucky grandkids...

  2. Have a lovely visit. Great idea for the grands to have a 'count down to Christmas' pillow of their own.
    - Joy

  3. Consider siging up for "Goodreads" and setting up a bookshelf on you blog so we can see what your "listening" to and how you rate it.

  4. What a sweet idea! I know two little boys who'd love something like this!

  5. You come up with the most creative ideas ever!!! These are seriously adorable. I bet the grands are going to LOVE them.

  6. Well that's a new one for me, Linda. But a great idea. I suspect you're counting down even more than your grandchildren are.

  7. What a fabulous idea! I may just borrow this one.
