Saturday, November 12, 2011

Taking Some Time......

I am taking some time to spend with my youngest daughter, Amber. Her husband is a hunter and this IS the season SO I thought we could have some 'Girlie' time together while he is off doing MAN things! And, let's face it, Louis Dean needed a break!! He has been working so hard!! He could use some time 'unsupervised'!!

My first stop was in Ennis for one of these luscious apricot kolaches. I have been so HUNGRY for apricot pie and STILL have not found one. In Fairfield - famous for its peaches - I bought a fried peach pie. Amber and I are going to split it for dessert tonight.'s not APRICOT! Thanksgiving week Louis Dean are making pies.
We have all the ingredients. Just need a recipe but I am sure I can come up with one!

Last night was a chilly one - even here in SOUTH Texas!!
We relaxed by the fire with a salad supper and enjoyed a movie. feels so good to be here!

The dogs snuggled up with me......

....under this very FIRST denim quilt I ever made!
I used Amber's well loved and well worn flannel sheets and old jeans.
I think she was 12 years old. She has a Texas Star Denim quilt I made for her while she was at Texas State University. If you count the one I made for Mike when he graduated from A & M...they have THREE handmade denim quilts from me.

This morning we were up early and heading out to Stein Mart - coupons for EXTRA savings in hand! The coupons were only good until NOON......hence the early wakening!

I am not as photogenic as Amber! She is going to 'photo shop' this one so it will show I DO have hair!

Stein Mart is my new favorite store and I SCORED finding this great
'Flat Cap' for Louis Dean! I am squirreling it away for Christmas.
He has loved and worn flat caps since our visit to Scotland two years ago!

We shopped til we dropped!
As if that wasn't ENOUGH exercise for one day -
we walked Jersey and Reese before changing into our lounging attire.
We are in for the night.
Amber is in the kitchen making Peach Whiskey BarBQ Chicken.
It is smelling heavenly around here!

While SHE cooks I intend to catch up on the latest issue of HOUSTON magazine.
I always read the features Amber wrote FIRST!!

Sometimes you just have to get away to REST! I am doing a lot of THAT!

"Every now and then, go away, take a little relaxation, because when you come back to your work, your judgment will be surer. To remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power of judgment. Go some distance away, because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance, and a lack of harmony or proportion is more readily seen."

Leonardo de Vinci


  1. Time with your daughter is such a treat. I took my girl to tea this week and we had the greatest visit. Enjoy your time - the reunion with LD will be sweet!

  2. Sometimes we need a break from our hubbies to just have some girl time! Try the Food for your apricot pie recipe...they have EVERYTHING!! I'll bet Paula Deen makes a great one. I make her apple pie, it's a staple around here.

    The quilt is lovely. I know what a big project they can be! Three!!!

    I love Steinmart, we have one here and I don't get there often enough. I like the cap but the only one my husband wears is his camo hat when he's driving his truck {he's an attorney and this appeals to his wild side!!}

    Your dinner sounds delish...enjoy!


  3. That denim quilt with the snuggle sheep! How wonderful.

    Your daughter's magazine is so chic! I know you are proud of her!

    I have never been in a Steinmart! believe it or not we don't have one in Washington. We don't even have a Home Goods store!

    I so enjoy your little road trips!
    I wish you safe travels home, Linda!

  4. You girls are so pretty! Mrs. Linda, I think you are quite photogenic. Sounds like the two of you are having a good day together. Enjoy that amazing dinner, it sounds so yummy.

  5. I so treasure my time with my daughter. It is such a gift.
    Your daughter is just beautiful...takes after her mama.:)
    I love your quilt...I love making the quilt tops but hate to quilt them...too hard for me. :)
    I agree that we all need time away from our spouse. It just does the soul and spirit good.:)
    xoxo bj

  6. Your daughter is just gorgeous! It sounds like y'all are having a wonderful time together. I'm jealous that you've already started your Christmas shopping too. I need to get cracking! I've never had an apricot pie either. I bet you can find recipes online for it if you google it. You'll have to share it on your blog if you make it!

  7. I guess LD doesn't read your blog? Otherwise he knows what you bought. LOL. You two girls look fab-u-lous!

  8. Time off, with your darling Daughter. And all those goodies. Doesn't get much better than this.

    'tis also so nice for you to be able to visit her, and indulge in many of those goodies, which you can't, at home. Well, you could. But you are being kind/loving to LD, by not eating them, in front of him. When he can not indulge. (For all those pesky health reasons.)

    Gentle hugs,
    "But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie;
    Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie!"

    ~Margaret Junkin Preston

  9. Ohhh, and not only is Amber beeeeeautiful, she is talented too. Doing magazine features.

    Gentle hugs,
    "But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie;
    Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie!"

    ~Margaret Junkin Preston

  10. I love those quilts! But do tell what is a kolache? And how do you pronounce it? Is it a Texan speciality? I've never come across it.
    I love apricots, too.

  11. I think you are having way TOO much fun over there! Shopping, cooking, eating...and enjoying mother/daughter time. Enjoy!

  12. so awesome that you get to have girlie time with your daughter...
    it was sure warm here in North Tx today...
