Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Abundance of RICHES!!

I have an abundance of riches in my life! Family and FRIENDS! Facebook Friends, Blogger Friends, Old Friends, New Friends! There is a quote I love....
"Make new friends but keep the old.
One is silver, the other gold."
One 'old' friend I was reacquainted with yesterday is our local public library.

I found several audio books from favorite authors. I SO enjoy hearing a book read to me!! So does Louis Dean and I am the one reading it! Now whenever I am in the car I can listen to my heart's content! What a perfect travel companion when I am driving by myself!

Another delight is morning coffee by the den fireplace. In Texas it is not a given that every fall - or even WINTER - morning will be chilly enough for a fire! This morning was perfect!

I fixed lunch for a few friends today.
I have known all the ladies for years and years.

One I have known since she was a child! Precious, sweet, gorgeous Jo Ann!
I have watched her grow into an amazingly strong and courageous woman!

Stephanie, my adorable neighbor for over 25 years! We know each other's secrets!!
We have been there for each other through good times and bad!

Another lovely lady, Brenda, I knew from church and then later worked with the three years I was at a State Farm Agency. What an outstanding example as a person with character she is! I have learned so much from her!

Lastly, a 'NEW' friend, Heather, who actually works at the desk I once occupied at State Farm! She is a fascinating person and full of spark and personality!

For lunch I served a garden salad with Vidalia Onion dressing (from Sam's!).
We LOVE that dressing......ALL of us!

Spice Pumpkin Muffins........

I have used this recipe for YEARS!!

and baked potatoes - choice of sweet or regular!

We enjoyed a good time of visiting. All the ladies except Stephanie came on their work lunch hours which overlapped. Made for a good mix of good friends!

After lunch Stephanie and I went to a health food store where we bought all sorts of herbs and potions to heal WHATEVER ails you!!
We should be full of vim and vigor in NO time!!

Other 'riches' I am enjoying.....

Plants grown hale and hearty in the back yard over the spring and summer are now safely inside.

....working my Christmas puzzle. I am still on the border.
I JUST finished LAST year's puzzle in October!!
I am slow, but, HEY!! It's a big puzzle!

In past years I had some friends who loved to come over and work the puzzles and visit. I have had a puzzle out since the 1970's. It is a great way to pass the time....visiting while you sort the colors or designs and work them into place.

It has been a wonderful day and I am blessed with riches everywhere I look!!
I am so grateful for all God has given me and all he has allowed me to enjoy!

Now I am off to Fellowship Church for a quilting meeting. The group makes quilts for members who are in crisis as well as for those in a women's prison, girls rescued from human trafficking and children in the hospital. What a wonderful group of ladies who have done so many deeds of kindness. I am new and am working on my first lap quilt to add to the 'supply closet!'

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
do it with all your might."
Ecclesiastes 9:10


  1. Love your posts and look forward to seeing each and every evening.

    Virginia Brackeen

  2. sounds like all is going well...what a fun day with friends...isn't our library great...the cooler weather is nice too...I bundled little britches up and we went for a nice walk today...

  3. So nice you are taking advantage of your local library. Aren't audio books great? I listen to them all the time while I am driving. It's amazing how much you can "read" driving back and forth to work and running errands around the neighborhood.

    Your pear cake recipe turned out so good! I have to try your pumpkin spice bread now.

  4. What an amazing way to spend a day, there's nothing like old friends, they warm the heart more than the fireplace but what a treat to be blessed enough to have both! Can you translate the numbers you have on your recipe? Have you ever used applesauce instead of the oil to make the muffins low fat? I am wondering how they would turn out, most of my baking is fantastic done up with the applesauce but a few of my recipes turn out like rubber.

    Have another fantastic day!

  5. What a beautiful post this morning..full of thankfulness and love. I know all these people love YOU as much as you love them.
    Have a beautiful day....
    xo bj

  6. LOVE that photo of your Pumpkin Bread recipe! Love it!!!

    "A house that does not have one worn, comfy chair in it is soulless." ~May Sarton

  7. Audio books. I love the idea. But... We tend to fall asleep listening to them. -pout- -sigh- -gasp- Isn't that awful?!?


    "A house that does not have one worn, comfy chair in it is soulless." ~May Sarton

  8. Hello Linda,
    What a charming blog you
    have. Thanks so much for the visit over at mine. I am now following you:)

  9. mmm thanks for sharing the recipe. wish I had some right now.
    I haven't put a puzzle together in a very long time. sounds fun.

  10. Sounds wonderful...your time with friends. We get the Vidalia onion dressing at Costco up here...and it is our 'family favorite' as well.
