Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Sights and Sounds of SPRING in TEXAS!

It is SPRING in TEXAS! Yesterday Lucy and I went for an early evening walk through the neighborhood and I was savoring all the sights, sounds and smells of SPRING! All along our walk it simply smelled so GOOD! Fresh! As if everyone in the neighborhood were using the same fragrant dryer sheets! You know? The ones that smell so GOOD!

Not only the sights and the smells but the SOUNDS! Bird song fills the air!
The picture on the left bottom is Louis Dean's newest water fountain. It is in the area where the old spa was. The birds are loving it! The sound of a water fountain has GOT to be one of my favorite in all the world! This fountain is still a 'work in progress.' It is made of concrete and gravel and he used 'found' parts. The part you can see he made using an oil pan for a form. I am thinking of buying some 4 inch ceramic tile and putting THAT around it!
The stem of the fountain is a section of black drain he had leftover from a project. It is a real 'Red Neck' creation and I will show a pic of the whole thing once I 'redeem' it and it is not so ugly! I have an idea!!

The birds abound in our back yard! We love watching them and keep a book where we jot down the dates of when we see the different kinds.
The dianthus are doing well having survived our unusually severe winter.

The wisteria belongs to my neighbor, Stephanie, and is just left of our back yard. I LOVE it! SMELLS so good!!

The bottom right pic is of the now huge honeysuckle bush the birds planted for me several years ago. That was the year life was pretty  hard for me and I asked God for a sign of encouragment. He sent me flowers by way of a bird! Special delivery!
It gave off ONE bloom the first year I noticed it growing out in the front bed. I taped it to my journal page and even went back to look at it and prove to myself that it DID, indeed, BLOOM! Because for the next two years it did NOT! Then last year it started really blooming out! Enough for bouquets to mix in with the roses! Honeysuckle is my all time faorite flower.

Another sure fire sign of spring is when the little green geckos begin visiting us in our gazebo!
Last Monday was the very first visit for this year.
Louis Dean calls them 'Insurance Salesmen.'

So where ever YOU are today.....
I hope you find a moment to stop and look at the signs of SPRING all around you!

“Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.”

Robert H. Schuller


  1. Hoping I'm not getting what Mike has, itchy throat, sneezing and cough. Vitamin C to the rescue. I've also had my office window open, listening to birds, my wind chime and watching a happy white cat nap on the sill. One of my favorite things about working from home!

  2. I always love it when one of my daughters is the first one to comment!

  3. OR one of my two sons....but they have yet to ever leave a comment. They probably do not even know I have a blog!

  4. love the photos...ain't Spring grande...

  5. You are making me jealous! It is snowing here right now.

  6. What beautiful photos and word pictures, of your Spring! I so look forward to bird song, with the windows open, and the sound of the little fountain out back. Husband put that together, also.

    ♥ Gentle hugs ♥

  7. What a lovely post. Like you, I enjoy the smells of the new season - when we lived in the north I loved the smell of the first snow day and my husband could never detect it.
    Years ago, at exactly this time, we visited Texas, and I have beautiful memories of a Texas spring.
