Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jack Pot Tuesday!!

I really hit the jack pot today! BIG TIME!
To start with - Louis Dean took me to the movies!
The Rite with Anthony Hopkins. That's the only reason he went.
He LOVES Anthony Hopkins and 'good acting.'
Whatever THAT means!!
It was a thought provoking film and I am glad we stayed to the end.
LD and I will be talking about this for a long time.
Starplex on Tuesday was a perfect place for us to go.
We needed a break from all the dust and pollen...
INDOORS as well as out!

Afterwards we hit up Walmart to get a few things.
 I bought some baskets to put in my bathroom cupboard to hide all my 'stuff.'
Then to Home Depot for more supplies.

As we headed down Beltline for home I remembered it is Senior Citizen Day at the Goodwill!
We HAD to drop in and look for a few treasures!

I found the perfect globes for my bathroom!
The ones I bought last week from a different thrift store were too small.
$2.99 each! YES!

I picked up this quilt and sham from Pottery Barn Kids for Raynie's first birthday!
What a deal! $7.99 for the quilt and $0.99 for the sham!

Now to wait til June for her birthday!
 I have tucked it away in a bag underneath the guest room bed.
Hope I don't forget it's there!
I hope to find some great gifts for ALL my grandkids this year!
Keeping my eyes open!

Three garlands crammed into a good size basket for $4.99
The sun flower will go in my kitchen.

I used this one on the back wall of the house facing the gazebo.
My motto is -
"MORE is always BETTER!!"

A bonus to our afternoon was a visit from two pretty ladies!
This is Lana who is a 4 year old cutie!
I have known Marie all her life. It is thrilling to watch young people grow up!
She is an absolutely AMAZING young woman!
I am certain her daughter will be as well!

She kind of liked Louis Dean!
Wish I could show you a picture of the ugly water fountain
he made for the new pond.
Lana noticed a dead goldfish in the back pond.
She told him he should get some UGLY fish to go with his ugly water fountain!!
I have GOT to find a way to redeem this fountain.
It is solid concrete and the ugliest thing you ever saw!
Even Louis Dean agrees!
"NOT one of my better ideas," he said.

Marie brought ten pair of jeans for me to turn into denim quilts.
I am joining a group of ladies at Fellowship Church to make quilts for children in the hospital.
This stack of jeans will provide the fabric for several!

As I write this tonight I now have WALLS!!!
The Sheetrock is UP!
Even the stuff you do to the seams is done!
Just need to sand it all down and we are ready to go on to paper and flooring and fixtures!
AND I am STILL painting and sanding my cupboard!
I think I can see a bathroom for me in the not too distant future!

This has been a JACK POT of a Tuesday!


  1. Oh, I love these kind of days. Sometimes, Mr. Sweet and I do the same...take in a movie, stop for a great hamburger..go thrifting (we did that today). I love "fly by the seat of my pants" days...nothing really planned..just fun.:)
    xo bj

  2. Yep, sounds like a fantastic Tuesday to me. Your one lucky lady. I love that Pottery Barn Set. Isn't it awesome to get deals like that? Hope your Wednesday is just as perfect!!

  3. Soooooooo glad you had a great Tuesday! Days like this one, can carry us along for a while. :-)

    For when we don't "find" perfect things. And for when stuff doesn't move-along, as fast as we'd like it to. :-)

    ♥ Gentle hugs ♥

  4. and sometimes you say y'all don't do much... :)

    the pottery barn kids quilt set is adorable. nice find!

  5. Wow!!! What a day packed full of all kinds of treasures.....

  6. Was the movie scary? I also like Anthony Hopkins but every time I see him I always think of Hannibal Lector. He did such a good job in Silence of the Lambs that every time I see him it's scary!

  7. The movie was interesting.....and a little spooky. Thought provoking and pretty good I thought. LD loves Anthony Hopkins....I do, too, but I do not watch movies like Silence of the Lambs, etc.

  8. You are such a wonderful shopper, Linda!
    Do show us your denim quilt once it's done.

  9. you did have a jack pot day....

  10. Wow what a deal and you found that cute spread at Pottery Barn. As soon as I finish the taxes I have to finish quilting a quilt for my step-mom and then I want to try my hand at a couple of denium(jeans) rag quilts.
    I love reading of all the fun things you make and do.
