Monday, March 28, 2011

Just in the Nick of Time!

My four year old grandson came to visit Saturday afternoon. We had him a full 24 hours and he came just in the nick of time! Louis Dean and I have been working so hard on the bathroom project.....for DAYS now....and really and truly needed a  break! So we worked steady all Saturday morning and afternoon then cleaned up to greet  my son when he brought Levi. I think four is just about THE most precious age EVER!!! This little guy is simply adorable and witty and smart and charming......can you tell I am a grandmother? Or, in this case, a Mimi? We call the cute little things he says 'Levi-ism's.'  He was exactly what we needed this weekend! A little bit of LEVI TIME!

The first order on our agenda was the Saturday evening service at Fellowship Church in Grapevine. We are loving this church! We took Levi with us to the Family Worship Room and he was SO good! As long as he has something to hold in his hands he can use his imagination and entertain himself for a goodly amount of time.  We walked the 1 mile nature walk around Fellowship Lake after the service......just as the weather was being very TEXAS in nature and sliding from an 80 something degree afternoon down into the 40's!

Louis Dean and I walked the one mile. Levi got about THREE times that in! I would pause for a photo op and he would automatically turn and pose......and then HOLD that pose while I finally fiddled with the camera and captured it!

He bubbles over with personality!

Our next stop was McDonald's for a Happy Meal! It has been a LONG time since I actually ATE at McDonald's! They have some healthier choices these days. At least I THINK they are healthier! The chicken snack wrap was pretty good - which is what I had. AND a Diet Coke! Had not had one of THOSE in ages!! Louis Dean didn't want to waste his calories so he had an ice cream cone. Levi ate a six piece chicken nugget Happy Meal.....which came with fries which he DIDN'T LD and I ate them for him!
Dessert was a Shamrock Shake with 3 spoons and 3 straws! Minty GOOD!
Levi said, "I have something NEW to hold in my hands!"
 ....speaking of the toy figure that came with the Happy Meal.

Last stop before heading home was the TNL Asian market on Beltine at Rochelle St. in Irving. They have inexpensive but GOOD produce.....and a huge selection of unusual veggies. The fish market is huge and smells so strong that we refer to this place as 'The STINKY Store!' Levi was very impressed and after taking a whiff of the air said, "Can I just say....PEW Wheeeeee!"
He had been talking about Ramian Noodles and since they had an entire isle devoted to these I let him choose a package. He said, "I know what, Mimi!! Like Batman and ROBIN noodles!!"

We ended our evening with popcorn and Walt Disney's Peter Pan.
Louis Dean enjoyed Levi as much as I did!

We stay up late and sleep late as a general rule so we were DELIGHTED when Levi stayed up late and slept til 8:30! He and I snuggled in bed and I read him some of the same books I once read to his dad.

Ramien Noodles were served for breakfast and after a couple of bites he decided he wanted to try the Rice Krispies. I served him hot chocolate in a tiny cup.....which I refilled several times!
 He poured his own milk from a small pitcher.

Then he bent down to listen to the 'Snap, Crackle and POP' sounds!

It was surprisingly COLD so Levi spent the rest of the morning playing in front of the fireplace with a bucket of cars I keep on hand for little boys! He has such an imagination!

Sunday afternoon we shopped Petsmart for some goldfish to put in Granddad's pond.
Levi looked at every single critter in the store from cats (they had no dogs for adoption that day) to birds to snakes to lizards to fish! We enjoyed our trip there but by that time it was obvious Levi was getting a cold. It could have been the change in weather - who knows?
I asked him if he had a cold and he said, "No, Mimi. I have MUCUS!"
SO after stopping at Home Depot and letting Granddad get some more supplies for the bathroom project...

we took Levi home and put him to bed. Which is where he was when his mother picked him up late that afternoon. Bless his heart! She said, "Levi, are you sick?"
He said, "NO! I'm just TIRED!"

I close with this pic my son took when he dropped Levi off.
We had a blast with him. Four year olds are so easy to entertain and are impressed with just about anything you do for them. They do not ask for much.....mainly they just want attention.
And THAT is something Grandparents are good at giving!
I hope Levi comes back to see us real soon!!


  1. That is one handsome little man you have there! Glad you all got to enjoy some Levi time :)

  2. What a great time you had with Levi. He looks like he just had the best time with Grandma and Grandpa. More wonderful memories made!

  3. what a fun sleepover...I took Little Britches to Petsmart on Saturday...the birds were his favorite....I guess because of the bright colors and the singing...he loves music...such a handsome fellow your Levi is...

  4. Loved reading this post. What wonderful photos of the two of you together. Funny that you wore him out!

  5. Too sweet. Love the pictures of you and Levi.
    Sounds like a good time was had by all.

  6. I enjoyed every minute of that visit! Your Levi is a sweetie, and I agree with you that four is the very best age. You are my kind of grandma - noodles for breakfast and hot chocolate in the tiny cup, then a bucket of cars. Perfect!

  7. Awww, what a cutie he is! Yes, that age where anything you do, is super, is ... super! :-)

    Just hope you don't catch his cold!

    After all, you have too much work to do, don't you? Busy! Busy! Busy! ,-))))))))

    Precious photos and precious memories!

    Gentle hugs...

  8. he is so adorable. happy for all of you that you enjoyed a good weekend! i need to post about mine now!

  9. Great pics of your time with little Levi. He is precious!!! Fun times.....
