Friday, February 11, 2011

"A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine"

That is a quote from Proverbs 17:22 and I had a good DOSE of medicine today!
It is Friday and that usually means I drive over to Fort Worth to take my mother to the beauty shop. Today Louis Dean went with me. After several weeks being IN it was good to  get OUT! Our poor little car was looking terrible so we ran it through the Shine Express Car wash.

You can vacuum it for FREE!

Then we went to Carino's for of my and mother's favorite places!
We were trying to decide about her taking her coat off or not...

She is just too cute!!

Lunch with Mother and Louis Dean today was the most fun I have had in a
loooooooong time!

We laughed and laughed!!
I told her all about our adventures in remodeling the bathroom....

She (and I!) laughed so hard we were CRYING!!
She also made me understand she wants to come over and see it when
(and IF) we get it done. She had told me that earlier in the week when we were having a phone chat.
I try to call her everyday just to touch base and say hello. Last week she asked me something and I thought it was if the ice had melted yet? When I told her we still had some along the side of the house and in the back yard she said, "Oh, never MIND!!" 
NOW I know she was asking about the progress on my bathroom!

Louis Dean kept us in stitches telling 'stories'.....
and being very 'Louis Dean.'
We lingered long at the table!

We had fun! I think tonight as I write this I am feeling better than I have in a long time!

May you ALL have a great weekend laced with a good measure of  LAUGHTER!!


  1. Your mother looks like a real happy and loving. I know you cherish your time together. I'm so happy you get together often!

    Happy Valentine's Day, Kinda!


  2. I love this post! Your Mom looks like such a fun Momma :) Glad you got to spend some time with her. Hi to LD!

  3. Love those pictures of you and Grandma together and seeing her laughing so hard! She still gets such joy from her kids!!

  4. Yes, your Mom is just so cute!

    And you are pretty cute yourself! :-)

    Hugs and ♥'s...

  5. What a cute picture of you and your Mother. I know you really enjoyed your day, and you can tell she did too! I live next door to my Mother and love it. We too, talk to each other every day. Happy Valentines Day

  6. laughter is the best medicine for everything...

  7. You have such good relationship with your mom. cheers!
