Saturday, February 12, 2011

Creative ENERGY!

I feel a surge of creative energy bubbling up in my life! I am thinking outside the box these days and trying new things and new ways of doing old things!

Before I gave myself over to the art table I cleaned the 'front' part of the house.....that being the den, foyer, porch, living room and kitchen. I have arts and crafts spread all over the dining room table and plan to work on various projects until time to go to church this evening. Then after our serving shift at church tomorrow I hope to FINISH some of what I STARTED today!

One painting I put the final stroke on was this little Christmas Raccoon.
I started it in late 2010 and signed it in December knowing full well it would not be finished that year!
I may still add a few more details .......his eyes do not sparkle just right.
But for the most part.....he is DONE!
This was a repeat painting. I had painted one like this back in the 70's.
That one burned in the house fire of 1983....I think.
Anyway, I now have a new version of it!
He will soon be packed away until Christmas.

I also finished this one that I painted from a 'Mama Says' calendar.
I painted in my sons' names on the little boys......'Jesse' on the older one,
Ben on the younger.

I painted Summer and Amber's name on the dresses of these two girls....
also from the 'Mama Says' calendar last year.

Now I am ready to move on to some NEW projects.
I have cut/torn out some pages from a Victoria magazine and will glue them on to my background piece of textured Masonite.....and then see where the creative impulses lead!
These two coffee calendars feature the art of Lisa Kaus.
She is my inspiration.
WHAT a creative genius she is!

I love it when I feel inspired!
Today is one of those days!


  1. Your artwork is absolutely amazing, Linda! I am blown away, you are very talented!

  2. I'm so happy to see some of your paintings,
    Linda! They are beautiful. Keep up that energy!


  3. So talented - and you are having such a burst of spring energy!
    I read on Amber's blog about the Scottish wedding and how handsome the men were in their kilts.

  4. You are full of great surprises. One talented an creative lady. I love oil, watercolor, or most any paintings. You do a super job. I need to clean my house as well, but spring fever has not hit me yet. Take care and will stay in touch.

  5. wow they are awesome....didn't we have a beautiful day today..

  6. Your painting are so real to life..God has given you a great treasure..the art of painting. I followed LV's blog to your and I plan on following...can't wait to see with those torn up pieces of paper

  7. Oh to be bitten by the creative bug, and then to be able to create something - wonderful!

  8. Your Racoon is adorable! Racoons used to visit us up in the mountains where I lived my teen years. I remember one time we had left out a jar of ornaments and bead and one of the coons was fascinated with them, and came right outside our screen door to play with them, even though I was sitting right there. He put his paws up on the screen and I put my hands on his...and he didn't jerk back or run away but stayed there a few seconds. It was such a neat experience.
