Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Vintage Valentines

I love all things VINTAGE!
This one is from 1927.

Isn't this dear?

This one was to Louis Dean's mother in law whom he loved so very much!
He says he still misses her.....everyday.

It wasn't signed on the front but on the back it has:
"To Ruby Nell from Miss Dunn"

I have kept all the Valentines from when Amber and Benjamin were growing up.
SO many names are still familiar to me.
Friends and neighbors, family members and other home schoolers.
I had a good walk down Memory Lane as I was looking through all these this afternoon.

The part of each Valentine I love best is the signature!

My mother had such beautiful hand writing.
Since her stroke in 2005 she has taught herself to print her name.
This is very important to her.
She can still sign her own cards.

These from years ago are treasures for me!
I shall keep them always!

I did not even buy, make or send cards this year.
Not even to my children and grandchildren.
Next year I will do better!

So in place of a card this year I am sending out this blog post
to all who are reading it.....

Happy Valentine!


  1. What an awesome collection. I love all things vintage too! Thanks for sharing.

  2. You have a great collection of valentines filled with so many precious memories and love. I enjoyed seeing all of them. Yes, the Montgomery store and all the Striplings stores are gone. If you let yourself, you could become depressed over some of the things time is taking away from us.

  3. I didn't buy any Valentine's Day cards either. Feel kind of bad. I wish I had good handwriting. It is chicken scratching at best. No matter how I try to slow down and write it well, it ends up a scribble. These Valentines are treasures!

  4. nice collection...I love the old valentine cards they were so sweet...I did send out some cards from have free postage until Valentines day...they send them out for cool...

  5. well you know i am not big on valentine's day, so no harm done!!! mike and i do not usually even exchange anything, but we did decide to do simple cards this year. we have to write something personal that we like about each other. mike is the one who sparked the idea, he likes to do at least *something*!

    hope you guys have a great friday, love you!

  6. Linda, I thought you did an excellent job of sharing Valentine's with us all. I enjoyed your pictures and story. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Precious!



    Hugs and ♥'s...
