Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Simple Saturday....

was spent doing various small projects. Typical things like laundry and cooking, dusting, dishes...the usual!
I painted some of the ends of my kitchen cupboards.....

to this nice fresh GREEN!

You can't tell as much but this one is painted green now as well!

I did a little work in the flower bed cutting the crispy brown ends off the liriope.
I also managed to pull weeds and grass before it got TOO hot! Look how the honeysuckle has grown and covered the trellis! Too bad it so hot there are no blooms. 103* here today. It was 20 degrees cooler when I took Lucy for a walk this morning! I set the water hose up and grabbed a cushion from the front porch and propped up against the pecan tree while the water ran. I am so longing for fall!

I wore my sister's new Skechers Shape-ups for the 1.7 mile walk in my neighborhood. They felt pretty good. I usually wear my Skechers Sport which is a slide in shoe with no back. For this week I will wear hers on my daily walks and see if they make much of a difference. I think they pretty much FORCE you to walk correctly...heel/toe...without having to even think about it!

A little housework, a couple of home projects, a TV program or two, selecting my clothes for church in the morning, preparing some salads for a gathering here tomorrow afternoon.....just some simple Saturday pleasures!


  1. I love your new green. I also LOVE that knotty pine I see in the picture. Knotty pine is so comforting, just like reading your posts, dear Linda. I hope LD is feeling much better!

  2. The green on the cupboards looks neat. I have had a hard time adjusting to white cabinets after having had cypress wood for years.
