Monday, August 23, 2010

A Comfortable HOME......

A comfortable house is a great source of happiness. It ranks immediately after health and a good conscience.

Sydney Smith

I love a comfortable own or visiting the home of another! Sunday seemed to be a 'Home' day to me. First of all we attended our 'Home' church. Have you ever been asked if you have a church home? I do not think I could survive in life without one. The First Christian Church where we are members and worship is a group of loving, kind, accepting people of various backgrounds and political as well as world experiences. The connecting thread is LOVE. Love of God and love of our fellow man.....while still allowing each person the luxury of being their very own unique SELF! We are a varied mix and we each carry within our hearts our own sorrows and burdens. These are easier to bear when we have each other to support us in our struggles and rejoice with us in our joys.

We all gathered at our pastor's home for an Ice Cream Social Sunday afternoon. What a warm and inviting home Pastor has! It reflects her love for God and His people. Our homes are really and truly a reflection of US! WHO we are...HOW we live and WHAT is important to us. The house overflowed with people! Some were out on the lanai, others gathered around tables playing games while others sat in comfortable chairs and visited.

We left one party and returned home to another! My daughter, Summer, grew up with her friend, Claire. They were very close all the way through high school. Claire was the first one of their youth group crowd to get a car and driver's license! We had lost touch with her through the past 30 years and discovered each other at a Starbucks some months back!! I could not believe she recognized me!! As it turns out she lives in the same house she grew up in and, of course, I live in the same house SHE visited all those long years ago! Our reunion visit was yesterday afternoon and it was so special to have this time to catch up with each other. I credit Facebook with putting friends in touch with friends and making it easier to stay connected these days! We had much to 'Show and Tell!'

Claire met Sabrina and Baby Raynie!

Claire came bearing gifts for the baby.....that is SO like Claire!!
And WE finally got to meet Claire's son, Sam! Alissa is Sabrina's niece and she and Sam hit it off wonderfully! They played checkers and Chinese checkers....

while we played NUTS! and talked....and talked.....and talked!!!

There was plenty of time for all of us to have a turn at holding the baby. I didn't get a pic of Sam but he, too, did not want to leave until he had some Baby Raynie Time!

It was a truly lovely day! The very nicest glow came over me when Summer called later in the evening to tell me what Alissa had said. "I liked being in Linda's house. It felt warm." What a compliment! I hope my home will always be a safe haven where people can come together and just enjoy 'being'.....and I especially love it when KIDS like to be here!! I will look forward to cooler temps coming in the month ahead and perhaps hosting a party which will include Alissa and Sam! Friends....young and old! Treasure each one!

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”

lynnie buttercup

1 comment:

  1. I have always taken that as the highest compliment: that someone feels comfortable in my home. Isn't it a good feeling?
