Friday, August 20, 2010

He Is BACK!!

He is finally BACK!! Louis Dean has been in bed since 4:00 on Saturday afternoon except to eat and bathe and watch the news on TV!  TODAY he dressed and went to Sears to pay on our refrigerator....first time to be out of the house in a week! I can't say it lasted long......he is back in bed as I write this...but I think he IS improving!

We shared a glass of wine in the gazebo as we HAD been accustomed to in weeks past. He even managed to water the front flower beds this afternoon!

I am hoping he continues to feel better each day as I have MISSED him!!

Happy Friday to all.......


  1. Looks like those babies on his lap have missed him, too!

  2. Sure hope Louis Dean continues to improve! No fun to be sick, for him OR you!

  3. Hopefully he will be able to do a little more each day...but ease into not over do.
    We will know he's better when he sings to you
    I have told you lately that I love you. Rod Stewart sings that really well also.

  4. glad he's feeling better! being sick is no fun. plus, the cats miss him too much!
