Saturday, March 20, 2010

Under Construction.....

It is hard to be patient! Last Saturday we purchased a new gazebo! It is larger than our old one and requires pouring a bit of foundation to accommodate two of the corners. In addition to that, Louis Dean decided to move the electric and water (YES! Our gazebo has places for FOUR things to plug in PLUS a water faucet!) from the middle of one side to the far corner which will make it even more convenient! That is now completed but the beautiful 70 degree weather with blue skies has turned to winter gray with rain (per chance SNOW!) and COLD temps! SO work on said gazebo!

Bless his heart! I think Louis Dean could use a rest today!! Project be continued!

1 comment:

  1. Linda,
    I will be patiently waiting to see the finished product. You have a good husband! Temps falling in Illinois and rain tonight and tomorrow, then on the rebound warming up through the week. Yea!
