Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Place in the Sun!!

I love the beach and want to share my 'Beach Experience' with you.....TWO, actually! We stopped in Gulf Shores, AL on our way to Florida. We stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and it was the nicest room of the whole trip! Summer found this! She's a great personal travel agent for us! The hotel is ON the beach and features a gorgeous pool and spa as well! I took advantage of the spa and soaked for a half hour after taking a morning walk on the BEAUTIFUL beach! Amber has left her 2 cats with her cousin in Tuscaloosa AL while she has been a year in Scotland. She returns to the US in August and I can see a quick trip back here for a day at the beach before heading up to fetch the cats from the Kaylor's! Summer, Amber and ME!

Now my husband is NOT a beach person and it is hard to relax - even in the hot tub- while he is bundled up and waiting for me to get out!

So after a decent soak we were back on the road heading down to Florida! Can you tell Louis Dean is ready to GO?? Bless his heart! This is his 'Beach Attire'....any season...any beach! He dresses similar even here in Texas when we go to  Galveston for our anniversry each year! The fact that he takes me to Galveston for some beach time shows what a sweet man he is!  Add in the fact that we always eat at Saltgrass Steakhouse...well, that makes us BOTH happy! We will  be there in June celebrating our FIFTH wedding anniversary! Time flies when you are having fun!

After our visit with family in Clearwater, Florida, we decided to do one more beach day before beginning the journey home. We chose Clearwater was CLOSE...and one of the top 10 beaches in Florida! PLUS it boasts a fishing pier which is what kept LD busy while I found my place in the sun and SAT for a few hours! I love the beach sounds including the seagulls...who by the way, were quite aggressive- or RUDE- as Simon (Becky's husband) says! It was spring break so I also got to hear the laughter and chat of young people as they, too, enjoyed having a place in the sun for the day! It brought back memories of Amber's Synchronized Swimming days when we would spend a free day on the beach after a meet. I SO wanted some coconut scented tanning oil!! I could smell it all around me but I wanted some of my very own! Too bad I could not find any in the little beach shop there! However, I was so contented to sit, watch, listen and read for several hours! It was pretty chilly so I was surprised at the sunburn I received! The SUN is the SUN even when it feels warm! It still BURNS!

Louis Dean waited patiently for me to get my fill of the beach, the sun, the sounds......of course I will never get ENOUGH of these....
All too soon my beach day ended.....but I shall return! Watch for me!! I will be the one waving in happiness! I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. these pictures make me so happy! i am so glad you got to be in the sand and hear the waves!
