Sunday, March 21, 2010

A SPRING snow....

is a bit of a surprise here in North Central TEXAS! Friday we worked outside in short sleeved shirts and all the doors were left open to the fresh air! We went to bed that night leaving our outside back bedroom door open.....I LOVE having a door to the back yard right at the foot end of our bed! It rained in the early hours of the morning and it continued to rain hard and steady! (Did Louis Dean gather his tools and things I wondered when I awoke? Probably not! We're like that!!) Saturday dawned with the HIGH temp of the day and it dropped as the hours passed! The wind was cold and the skies looked heavy and gray. My daughter, Summer, and I spent the entire afternoon together browsing some dress shops in preparation for her business trip. (She left today...Charlotte, NC. I hope it is warmer there!) We ate lunch at a great Chinese restaurant on Beltline Rd! As we were getting ready to leave, a waiter walked by with a couple of margaritas for some diners at a nearby table. Summer said, "I didn't realize THAT was an option!" So we ordered ONE and split it! DEEEElicious!!! Spending time with Summer was the BRIGHT SPOT in the day! She called us on her cell as we were getting ready for bed and said, "It is snowing like CRAZY!!!" And it WAS! I armed myself with a stack of white towels and headed to the front yard to cover the pepper and tomato plants we had just put in! Brrrrrrrrrr....It was COLD!!!

The snow had left a winter landscape behind as we got ready for Sunday School and church! Beautiful....but NOT appropriate for MARCH in TEXAS!

The cold winter day lent itself very well to hours spent under a warm blanket by the fireplace reading a good book. It was also a good day to pay bills (online! I am so proud of myself for doing that now!!) as well as some housework. Not much else you CAN do if you want to stay indoors. Not that it is all that WARM in here! We seldom turn the heat on using mostly our fireplace in the den and a bathroom heater for trips in there and a heated blanket for our bed. I think we stay healthier for not drying out the air so much....and I love to sleep in the cold!

I am going back to my book now.....the weather will be warming into the 70's within a couple of days and we have much to DO! Better rest when we can!

We hope to get back to work on our gazebo SOON!!

Hope YOUR Sunday has been as pleasant as ours!

Have a good week!


  1. i can't believe that you had snow again, and in march of all things, and that it was so much!! fingers crossed scotland is done with the snow, i'm really enjoying the spring weather. now all i need is warmer temps!

  2. I know!! SO happy you have had good spring weather lately! I believe our climates have been reversed!! This is so UNlike Texas! Last March snowfall I can remember was March 5th when Summer was 18months old. We lived at Mrs. Morrison's...1514 N. Haskell in Dallas. There was a tiny balcony and we sat out there and watched it snow.....and I thought, "This is March 5th!!! 1964!!"
