Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bee Lights, Tail Pipe, Movie and Pond Work and Santa Paintings! Our Monday and Tuesday

Monday I hung up the Bee Lights Nita gave me.
Where to hang them? Here at home or at the ranch?
I decided I couldn't wait so I hung them in the den across the mantle that holds the TV.

I get to look at them more this way.

I am loving these lights!

Who KNEW they even make these???
Nita did!

Louis Dean got out early Monday and finished up his tail pipe work.
It's a done deal.
Now for the mud flaps......
He decided to take them with us to the ranch and ask Dean to help him figure out how to put them on.
That's the bottom line for why he has had them these 13 years. 
He said he just cannot figure out how to install them!
Dean can help him, I'm certain!
After all - he's a Chapman!!

I hung up the old rain curtains on the gazebo and that gives us a blessed shade to rest in plus I have two box fans in there to keep us cool. That's where we go to take our breaks and it is wonderful to have our gazebo back! Not entirely in its old glory - but I ordered a new set of rain curtains and we will put those up next month. THEN she'll be BACK!

Louis Dean and I got out Monday afternoon and evening and worked even after dark loading up bags of trash out of HIS the storage building and carried all manner of things to the curb.
Metal legs from a kitchen table that I did not even recognize, a ceiling fan, ice chests, old brooms, and so much more. It lined up the curb from our driveway to the middle of the property line!
I had 6 bags of brush and dead plants I had pulled up out by the back pond area.
We were both limping by the time we called it quits.
A bath for him and a hot shower for me and we declared the day done and time to go to bed.
Thankfully I slept very well - but Louis Dean tossed and turned for hours. He finally got up and cooked him something to eat and at 5:00 this morning he was still awake.
He slept from shortly after that to 11:00 this morning. He said he could have slept longer but he didn't want to get his days and nights mixed up! Good thinking!

I was up early on purpose this morning.

Summer and I had a Mother/Daughter Date at the Movies!
She smiles but she was in pain today.....as she is every day.
 I admire her for living life the best she can and that she keeps on going however slow it may be until she can't. Then she spends a few days and nights down and out and then starts climbing back into life again. She is amazing.

This was our movie of choice and it was a good one.

Since we went to the early bird showing - we had time to grab a bit of lunch together before she went back to Rowlett and I came home.

I guess it may be my new habit to take a nap whenever I get home anymore.
I came in and surveyed the kitchen - Louis Dean had cooked while I was gone.
That man does love his own cooking.
This time he made eggs and fried potatoes. 
I poured up a cup and a half of oil he fried them in.
Over all, he cleaned up pretty well.
He had tea made for me - by accident. He was looking for plain black tea bags.
Instead he used some herbal ones so I was set with fresh ice tea when I got home.
Guess what he used for a pitcher?
A 2 quart Tupperware bowl.
He is creative.
He called me while we were at Chuy's for lunch and asked where in the world I had put the plain tea.
It was in a tall glass container in the tea basket.
I didn't think he could miss it - but he did!

As soon as I got up from my nap he went outside to tackle the back pond while I vacuumed the house. Have I mentioned that is my least favorite chore EVER??? I guess that's why I don't do it any more than I do.

He chopped up the dead plants and I helped him bag them up for the trash.
Next month we will buy all new plants for here and no thorns on any of them!
I came in to work on my art while he labored on.
He managed to clean it all out and take out the pond liner and clean it!

There is so much detail in this painting that it is taking quite a bit of time.
Still have three or more sessions left on this one.
It's a 9x12 canvas and once I finish it - I have a 16x20 canvas just like it to finish.
One is my Christmas Giveaway and the other is for the Fort Worth Chines Christmas Tree.

This one is done and will be my Christmas Card for this year.
I say it's done but when I photograph them - I can better see what needs to be done.
I fretted over the hand for a long time but am okay with it now. But the Santa coat needs some more depth to it.

And Deanie's happy little Santa is done and will be glazed once it's dry.

I packed up my art and have it ready to take with us to the ranch on Thursday.
We both feel like we have accomplished a lot since we have been home - but we are itching to get back down to the country. Dean posted on Facebook today that cooler weather and rain is in the forecast! I want to 'BEE' there for that!!!

Goodnight, Folks!


Teresa P said...

I love your "Bee-lights" and will have to look for some in my neck of the woods (VA) as I have a good friend who is a bee-keeper as well. Hope Louis Dean is getting over falling in the rose bush and tearing his arm up! Glad his tail pipe job is completed.

I swear he reminds me so much of my husband. He can never work on anything without cutting his arm or blood being involved. Have a great time at the ranch.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The weather has been cooler here, no more 90's so far! Your paintings are terrific! I can't wait to see the manger one when it is finished. What a whole lot of work you have both gotten done!!!

Bluebird49 said...

Girl, you two got so much done while you were home! No wonder naps are fitted in.
Louis Dean got creative with the tea, didn't he! Bless that man--he loves being left alone to cook!
Vacuuming is a real pain for me. It's just no fun at all!
Glad you and Summer caught up!

Vee said...

You two have accomplished so much!

So good for you and Summer to get together. I know that you encourage one another.

Vacuuming is a challenge for those who have arthritis...all the back and forth is tough on the joints. My vacuum cleaner was a bear until I finally figured out I had the suction on full tilt. That thing was sucking up the carpet. 🙃

The twinkle in Santa’s eye is great. Deanie will love it.

Happy trip to the ranch...hope that Dean is able to help his dad with those mud flaps.

Susie said...

Work, work, work, LOL, Linda, you and LD seem to never run out of work . So good you had some time with Summer. I am praying for her. The paintings are coming along. Deanie's Santa is cute. She will love it. Blessings to all, xoxo, Love, Susie

Anonymous said...

My 1st time coming here and you made me laugh with your adventures, will come back :)
Lucie from http://luludou.blogspot.com/

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love your bee lights, and now am wondering what other types of lights are out there I don't know about. as in for my nook. glad all that work is over and done and both of you survived it. I had a thought about the mud flaps, did you check to make sure they have not dry rotted? putting old ones on the trucks they might shred into pieces... aren't they rubber? good luck with the flaps and if he gets pulled over again, he can show them the flaps are in the truck ready to be installed. aren't I a negative Nellie today. he he he

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yes, you both have done a lot and need to get back to the ranch for a little rest. But usually you are busy there too only with different things. I love the bee lights. They really do brighten up the space. You gazebo time is precious and shade is needed there so you can enjoy the outdoors. Oh my on that pond work. Looks like a lot to be done there. As always, take care in the heat and rest when you can.

Jackie See said...

Hello Linda! Please tell Summer that I understand her pain and how hard it is to make sense of. Thank you for your encouraging words on my little blog, it made my heart happy. Have fun at the ranch and enjoy all of Gods glory!

Arlene G said...

As always, I am amazed at how much you two accomplish!! The yard is looking good. I know that has been a project you have wanted to complete Linda and it looks like you are getting there. Have fun at the ranch. We are enjoying Gulf Shores. Marvin waits impatiently each morning for the umbrella and chair to be put out so he can get down there as soon as possible. I like the beach but not as much as him. lol

photowannabe said...

I sure would like some of those energy "pills" you and LD must take !
You two have done miracles on your place.
It's good to have so much accomplished before you go to the ranch.
Bee sure to enjoy your time there and don't get stuck in the coming mud from the rain.
Love your Santas and think they are perfect.

Sue said...

Whew! I am tired from reading this Linda, where do you and Louis Dean get your energy, I am amazed at how much you both get done, my dh and I work well together too!.
Mother/ daughter dates are so special, I am much in need of one with my daughter., but she is so busy with her new job.
Prayers that Summer feels better.
Thank you for visiting.
p.s. love those lights too!

Chatty Crone said...

Linda you are soooooooooooooooooooooo artistically talented there -I am majorly impressed. I also love your butterfly lights - would like them myself.
Love, sandie

Carole said...

I haven't vacuumed for years - that's the other half's job - he is a bit slapdash but I don't comment since I wouldn't want to do it. Cheers