I do believe that Tuesday is my favorite day of the week!
Brenda works part time from home and is finished around noon or so.
We usually meet at the thrift store but this time I went to her house to see all her spring decorations.
Somehow I forgot to take any pictures! I am losing my touch!
We decided to shop the Thrift Giant on her side of town first.
As soon as I walked through the door, I spied this flower arrangement!
It was $14 and came down to a little over $10 after the senior discount.
Win! WIN!!
For $2 I bought these three hangers - not knowing what I will do with them.
I'm thinking I'll take them to the ranch and use them there.
This is hanging in the sewing room now.
And this is on the hall wall.
I hung this in the dining room since it goes with my theme in there.
Ten napkin rings will be perfect for September.
I love pretty things.....signage, faux fruit and veggies....
A pair of Clarks sandels that had no price tag.
I buy a lot of candles because I burn a lot of candles.
They make me feel happy and warm and cozy.
Brenda and I were shopping the textile section and Brenda found a table runner for me that matches a set of dishes I have. Next she found some beautiful green placemats. A sister shopper pointed out two other place mats. Into the cart they went! As Brenda and I were browsing in another area, the sister shopper spied us and handed me four matching napkins!
We shopped three thrift stores - two Thrift Giants and Texas Thrift and finally Aldi.
I did have to stop at the Dollar store on my way home.
Aldi has a good stock of things but no dishwasher detergent. $ stores are great!
It rained early Wednesday morning and the sky was beautiful!
I took my coffee out to the porch and had my quiet time.
This afternoon Amber came to help us with computer and phone issues and she was such a blessing to us. As seniors, we need help with technology and I am so grateful for all four of my children who keep me connected. They will most likely hand the torch to the grands in time to come.
Kimmy arrived just before Amber was leaving and LD played some music for her.
Kimmy had some memory gifts from June and Aunt Tommie for the grand quads as well as me.
Playing for Kimmy.....
Tuesday's night supper....
It was really good!
My Knight in Shining Armour out watering the flower beds.
We finally packed and stored away all the Christmas things today.
Hopefully next year's transition from season to season will not be be as hard as it's been this year.
I do love this man!
I am so happy to be married to Louis Dean!
These have been the best years of my life and in June we will be married for 20 years. I've asked God for 25 but I treasure every day!