Thursday, June 8, 2017

Our Wednesday and Plans for the Add a Room!

Louis Dean had to wake up really early to get to his doctor appointment this morning!
His weight is down from a one time high of 248 to 225! His doctor was really happy!
He told her he did NOT exercise!
He's just working hard and eating less.
She had advised him to walk and he told her he didn't WALK anywhere unless there was a destination - like a chicken fried steak smothered in gravy!
She gave him a new diet plan called the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet.
He said he would pass. 
She also encouraged him to enroll in a program called Chronic Care Management or "CCM."
He told her, "No WAY!"
The thing about being an old person is the medical world TREATS you like an old person!
The CCM team will call you up and make sure you are taking your medications and help you with scheduling your appointments......medical appointments.
He told his doctor, "I have a WIFE that does that!!"
I'm sure this is a viable option for those who need it - but he doesn't! Not yet!
As a matter of fact - Louis Dean and I have just had a meaningful conversation a few nights ago about our life together and what we want out of it.
We figure we have 10 good years ahead of us - considering the fact that he is nearly 81 and I am nearly 69 and we are both in relatively good health. That means these are going to be important years - time for us to be US and do the things we love to do! As in spending time with each other and our family. Going places and doing star gazing and sipping wine together on the deck or in our gazebo. Watching the birds and geckos. Listening to music. Playing music. Reading and talking. Going to church and praying together.
We are still 'US' and we are still making memories.

SO......we celebrated today!

We went out to eat after taking care of some business.
I ordered the healthy meal of fish, gingered rice and a healthy salad - but I tempered it with a house margarita while Louis Dean ordered a good steak, green beans, French fries with - as he said 'In Dr. Cebik's honor - a side of gravy!! AND a tall beer!

We are living well!!
So well that we came home and went to bed!
Napping is an important part of staying well!

So is taking our meds!
I tell Louis Dean all the time that it takes a rocket scientist to keep up with all our meds.
I do the next best thing!
Remember when I gave him a sleeping pill first thing every morning for two weeks? Thinking it was his Rampiril? I try to be more careful with the pills that look similar now.

Not many men at the age of 80 are building a room and doing physical work that even younger men would find a challenge. He says he is going to do all he can while he can and then enjoy the fruits of his labor! So I thought I would show you some of his plans.

He is enclosing the 31 foot deck next to our camper and making it a usable room!
This view is from where he currently parks his truck. The camper is to the right.

That opening will be where the awesome red screen door will hang. He will also put in a regular door as well.

The door will hang there in that opening at the end and there will be a window where the plywood is now.. The same section to the left of the door opening will be a wall.

Four windows will be on the wall facing east.

And there will be a door at the end.

Right there looking out from this opening.

This wall will have a bathroom on the other side. 
It is still grass for now but I promise - a bathroom is coming with sink, toilet and shower!

See those mud tracks? 
There is now a driveway there!!!
No more getting stuck in the mud!!

I love the view here!
In the evening is my favorite time when the neighbor cows are out there.

It is a work in progress!

We are still thinking how we will handle the wall next to the camper.
Louis Dean had gutter delivered that we will take down and install to prevent rain from coming in.

We wanted to get down there today but it worked out best for us to leave tomorrow.
I am going to be helping Louis Dean this trip more than the last.
There will be 'gopher' jobs, and painting and holding things as well as making sure we take our meds and eat healthy. We may be there the rest of the month!
Both of us are excited about how gracious his son has been in inviting us to keep our camper down there at the ranch, He has been instrumental in making this a comfortable place for us. I wish all of you could meet Dean and Sherry! We love our time with them and I truly enjoy seeing father and son together. I love them both!
This month marks our 12th anniversary.
We have been through several stages in our marriage and it's rather exciting to be embarking on this newest one!!
I have said it before and I say it again - God really did save the best part of my life for the last!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, I finally get to see what the room looks like!! It is huge! And what a job for Louis Dean! Most men could not even do this! You are both your own architects, designers, and builders! How amazing! I have pill keepers just like this! I have to use a one week section just for my pills for one day! I so totally agree with all your ideas for health and a good marriage plan! We think the same, I am 68 and Phil will be 77 this month. I forgot to tell you the last post that I wear clip on earrings too! so did my mom. Well, I don't actually have any, because you can't find them anymore!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Thanks for your comment on my Trailer Chicken post. I snapped this from up on a hill that we sometimes go to take pics of the sunset.

Bluebird49 said...

Linda, it's so much fun just to come find what's up with y'all! Can't wait to see that red door on that room. :)

Small Kucing said...

Louis Dean making all that? wow! hats off to him!

I can imagine the place will be spacious. Nice

Luann said...

where do you empty the septic tank when full? I have no idea why that popped in my head but it is a good question. Love the new porch and LD is correct not to stop working because when you do, that is when you get old. Great views

Kathy said...

That is one wonderful room! Next thing you know LD will be building you a whole house. I'm impressed. You two do more than people half your age.

Vee said...

You had me laughing imagining the doctor's conversation with her patient. What a riot!

You folks keep on enjoying your life and having adventures. The new room is great!

Susie said...

Linda, I bet LD challenges the med crew. LOL He is right work while you is good for us. I have felt my own strength wan the past couple years and I hate that. So I have to get busy doing more . It'll be wood stacking time I'll help Ted more. You will have to get picture even if you have no when you return home , you can fill us in on all that happened at the ranch. Blessings to both of you. Love, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

You all are an inspiration to me Linda! Loved that LD put his doctor I. Her place! When I am 80 I want to enjoy life! Your plans are wonderful. We are at Grimmwood sitting on the porch enjoying the morning! I started Little Paris Bookshop last night

Changes in the wind said...

You have some great combinations in your marriage to make it, openness, God, plans and hope.

Estelle's said...

The medical world has changed dramatically...I have been appalled at some of the appts. we have experienced lately and the manner in which the patient is not listened to!!! LD is a very active 80 yr. old.....all of that was a bit insulting....y'all have a good time at the ranch.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love your outlook on life! Keep being you! You guys are doing great! Enjoy your lives together as much as possible!

The ranch is a great place for you guys to get a way and relax. That room is going to make a huge difference. I love family that really love and honor each other!

What a blessing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and here I thought he was building a covered deck to spend the evneings out doors. when this room is finished he can add a deck to the room.. LOL good job LD and you are just like bob. he says no to everything the doctor suggest, everthing except the pill si put in his box

Nonnie said...

You are two gutsy people who know how to live and enjoy life. I admire you greatly! LD's responses to the doctor are very similar to what I hear from my husband.

Carole said...

You are going to have a big ranch house with camper attachment before you're finished. Have fun!

Diana Ferguson said...

I love the future addition to your "spot" in the country!!!

ellen b. said...

Well that is going to be a nice big room. Glad he has the energy and can get his exercise in this meaningful way.

BeachGypsy said...

so glad you're getting to head that way tomorrow, I know how y'all love it there and how relaxing and peaceful it is for you. That room IS HUGE!--he's doing a great job. Cant wait to see it done! Y'all work hard, play hard, take care and enjoy your time together ok? Oh--and wal mart just started selling clip on earrings, saw them yesterday!