Thursday, October 13, 2011

Popping WEEDS With my Faithful WEED POPPER!!

It is close to the middle of October and our grass is still green and growing! We did our yard today. Or MOST of it! Edged and mowed. Will have to weed eat and blow tomorrow. We 'ran out of soap' as Louis Dean says! Yesterday afternoon I noticed a TON of daisy looking weeds in the front.

I am not against allowing 'pretty weeds' to grow in my yard......but not these!!!
They were SO entwined with the St. Augustine! Tangled up together really!!

I used my super sturdy faithful old WEED POPPER and it made the job MUCH easier!
A neighbor (for 17 years!) gave me this nifty tool over 20 years ago.
Louis Dean replaced the handle a couple of years past and I use it all the time. I keep it handy to pop out those awful Johnson grass clumps....and dandelions.....and whatever THIS mess above is!!
I popped up TWO sacks FULL!!
As I popped these weeds I said a few prayers for the neighbor guy who gifted me with this clever tool.
He is currently undergoing chemo treatment for cancer.
The weed popper acts as a prayer reminder.
I am praying the treatment POPS that cancer right out!

The milder weather and recent rains have made all the flowers go crazy!
Seems like everything is blooming once again! Even some plants I thought had completely died!
The lantana and roses, Mexican heather and Texas sage, Asylum and marigolds - ALL making a grand showing. The pecan trees - heavy with nuts - are still green. I could not see one yellow leaf this evening as I rested on the grass and gazed up at it!

Speaking of pretty weeds.........I LOVE this one!!!
It nearly died out from the extremely cold winter we had last year and was making a come back when the extreme heat did it in again! It has begun to flourish once more over the past couple of weeks and makes such a pretty green border around the stones of my kitchen door patio!!

This is ONE weed I will never pull up!!
All the rest of them had better watch out, though!!!

"A weed is but an unloved flower."
 ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox



  1. it is almost like we are getting a second spring...I need to mow this weekend after the rains...everything is growing...

  2. I hear you loud and clear! It's still summertime here! Growing and blooming! Humm...maybe I need a Weed Popper! Aww, a prayer sent your way for your dear neighbor.


  3. I hate weeds...but I don't have to worry until next summer...the weeds have gone for the winter!!

  4. We've just headed in to the rainy season, after a week of rain we are getting 4 days of sunshine, temp high is around 13 C.
    One more mowing should finish the season and empty the gas tank for storage.
    - Joy

  5. I love that 'unloved flower' among the patio stones.

    Your faithful weed popper looks like a most handy tool. I think I must get me one!

  6. A weed popper...never heard of one but think it must be cleaver. Like you some of my plants have had a resurrection.

  7. I love the "weeds" between your walkway bricks. Hey - your superhero name could be the Weedwhacking Warrior...

  8. How wonderful that every time you use your weed popper you think and pray for the person who gave it to many years ago. Knowing that makes a person feel better!

  9. Soon everything will stop growing around here...even the weeds.
    How cool... that you have Pecan trees!
    Prayers of heeling to your dear neighbor!

  10. Linda, That tool looks like fun. Were you stiff the next day ?
    We are getting the rains now and those beautiful blue skies will soon go South.

    I enjoyed out summer and especially this fall.

    Now, the painter is coming to finish the job my daughter and I started. My ladder wasn't tall enough to reach those high ceiling, though.
    Keeps us out of trouble !!

  11. Yes, love those "edging weeds." Love 'em! :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "October’s poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter." ~ Nova S. Blair
