Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mothers and Daughters!

I believe there is a special bond between mothers and daughters. At least I KNOW there is between my mother and me as well as between my daughters and myself.

Yesterday was Friday and our regular Beauty Shop Run!
The last three or four Fridays my sister took her so it was nice to be back to our normal routine!
See the TCU t-shirt she is wearing? Deanie took her to Austin last weekend to visit Deanie's son and his family! Guess which school HE graduated from??
In Fort Worth they celebrate 'Purple Friday!'

Mother and I have so much fun on Fridays! We usually go out for lunch and choose a restaurant based on the size of the table! I haul out my lap top with its own CLEAR Internet and we have a Facebook and Blog Session! She loves to see photos and updated status from family and friends.

This is Amber - the daughter of my old age! She looks like a million bucks!
I asked her to send me a pic for this post since she was in town for a wedding this weekend.
She and her husband drove in Thursday and spent the night with us. It was a whirlwind trip!
I smile every time I see a pic of her! What a blessing she has been to me!
She and I have been able to see each other several times over the past few weeks even though she lives four hours away!

And THIS is Summer - the daughter of my youth! She brought HER daughter over for a visit yesterday.

On Wednesday Summer and I spent the evening together! A delicious dinner at La Madeleine!
They had the gas fireplace burning.......and the A/C blasting! It was wonderful!

We shopped a bit at Home Goods and ended our night out with Starbucks!!
Some good Mother/Daughter time!

So I have enjoyed many hours with my daughters lately!
And now the youngest GRAND daughter!
Louis Dean played the guitar and sang to her!

She is ADORABLE!!!! I know I said that at least a dozen times yesterday!

But she really IS!!!!

It is so much fun to look at life through the eyes of a child.......or an older person.
The young and the old seem to take greater delight in the world!
Probably because they have the most TIME!

We enjoyed watching Raynie watch the neighborhood cat. We all put out food and water for her and she visits first one neighbor and then another.

 Raynie watched the cat and Lucy. She picked up leaves and dropped them in the trash bag and then clapped her hands! I was out pulling weeds and when I would toss one in the bag she would clap for ME! EVERY thing seemed to be of interest to her!

It is Saturday afternoon as I write and I am still basking in the glow of spending precious time with precious people!
Speaking of 'precious'.......Louis Dean is finally over the flu and back to his old self. He has been puttering around while I have been doing housework. The doors and windows are open and the attic fan is on. The neighborhood is full of 'Saturday Sounds.' Children playing, lawn mowers running, dogs barking.
I think LD want me to join him for a little TV watching then I intend to go out and do some weed eating!Trying to get the yard all spruced up. It looks like Spring instead of Fall around the DFW area! The brown dry grass has greened up once more and the flowers are all blooming. Some leaves have fallen but most are still green and on the trees. They may hold on and come down all at once in December!
Whatever YOU are doing this Saturday - I hope you are enjoying it!


  1. So precious. What a lovely little granddaughter. Great family time together. Happy LD is feeling better. Have a wonderful weekend.
    - Joy

  2. It's a blessing to have family all around, isn't it?!! And you have a beautiful family, Linda!

    I hope the rest of your Saturday was wonderful!!


    PS...Glad LD is feeling better!

  3. What a lovely group of special people you are sharing your life with. It is good to have plans and to do things together. Your little grand is obviously loving the music and the cuddle time.

  4. Hi Linda! Your weekend sounds perfect, with two daughters and a granddaughter, and LD recovered from the flu. Me? I spent the day with my sister and her little granddaughter - what a treat!

  5. I see you got to your destination ! They are all so cute and seem very happy to see you. Are you staying long ?

    I wanted to ask you where in Tx is your town ? Is it near Houston, or Austin ? I have visited Houston many times as one of my girls was a nurse at the Medical center and my sister and family lived there, too.
    My daughter and family live in Austin now and I hear it is so pretty.
    You live in a very large state !!
    !Enjoy your weekend.

  6. the ladies and girls in your family are was a beautiful day today...but I spent all day inside cleaning..and cleaning the carpets...but it was productive...then little britches came for a sleep over...and we watched the Texas Rangers will the penant...Woo Hoo...

  7. What a great time you have had with family! And I know you can't say it enough ...about how sweet grandkids are...!!!

  8. I love reading your posts! your dinner at La Madeline looks wonderful!

  9. Lovely post... Yes my Dear, you are blesses with all the ladies in your life. :-)

    (And that "Texas Tales" gal is just sooooooo gorgeous. Waving Hi to her.)

    Gentle hugs,
    "October’s poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter." ~ Nova S. Blair

  10. Lovely to see the continuity of generations. That is a very precious thing.
    And you're barefoot in one shot! It's almost time for 2 pairs of socks indoors here!

  11. Whats s great family post. You are truly blessed having such great relationships. That does not happen often enough. Grands are the most precious of all. Nice visiting and thank you for dropping by.
