Monday, October 17, 2011

Autumn Blessings

I love this season! I am sitting at my desk with the French doors open beside me waiting for the cool weather that is said to be approaching. By the time we wake up in the morning it will be dramatically COOLER!! More 'fall like!' The lightning and rain came in earlier this evening and is already gone. Good thing Lucy and I went for our walk before it arrived!

Today has been a busy day! But then - ALL our days are BUSY days!
We spent all of Sunday at my son's house! Church with them followed by lunch at their home and football and fall crafts with the grand kids!

Their little Clay Pot Scarecrow turned out so cute! Levi painted the pot for the face, Sam did the one for the shirt and I did the two for the pants. Faith did the hat and all the details. Faith is all about art projects. The guys not so much!

All three of them got a kick out of the 'Teeth and Gums' I gave them!

We received EXTRA blessings from our visit with the family yesterday!
Leigh Ann gave us a solid pine head board she had in her room as a young girl!
I will paint it 'Shabby Chic' style and it will be perfect!!

She also gave us her great grandmother's antique sewing machine!
The detail work on the cabinet is amazing!
Louis Dean is going to restore this - I am NOT painting it!
To make room for it we had to move our heavily loaded china hutch down two inches!!
We used the lifter thing advertized on TV - and purchased at the Dollar Store!
Worked like a charm!
I promised to take good care of these treasures and if Faith wants them in future years she can have them!

Next they offered us a spendid Lazy Boy Rocker/Recliner! Just what we needed after taking Louis Dean's big bulky old one to the curb earlier this year.

Now Louis Dean has an EASY CHAIR once again!
He is enjoying it! I get my spot on the love seat back!

I had decided there was no way to put one more thing in this house.....
then we go and add THREE!!!
My sister, Nita, says I am good at 'making room!'

When Jesse and Leigh Ann started offering us all these things we had to drive our car home and pick up the truck!

Faith went with us but on the return trip she was out like a light!

I am so excited about my new pieces!
AND about the cooler weather.
I am still waiting on THAT!!


  1. Lovely weekend! Wish I could send you some of our cooler weather. It was -9 here the other morning. -5 this morning:)

  2. More comfort for the autumn and winter. Beautiful furniture. Comfy chair. Love family.
    - Joy

  3. I'm glad you finally got some relief in the temperatures! I know how much you love Fall so I'm sure you are soaking up every second of it.

    What a great weekend full of treasures. That sewing cabinet is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!! Lucky LD getting a new Easy Chair. My poor hubby has asked for one forever & I've yet to get him one. It's on my list though :)

    Happy Monday dear friend!!!!

  4. I hope that cool weather blows in for you! With all that furniture re-arranging, you need some cool breezes!

  5. New treasures are so fun! I am glad you and LD are now in your proper seats now :) Your sleeping beauty is so sweet :)

  6. Linda,
    Visiting your blog is today's blessing. How sweet it is to share love and vintage treasures.

  7. Great treasures you are taking home and you are just the person to take good care of them.

  8. brrr it is cool today....your grands are adorable...

  9. Hi Linda You write so well. I have been reading a bunch of your posts and you sure can tell a story well and easily.
    Glad you have your family nearby ......

  10. Hi Linda You write so well. I have been reading a bunch of your posts and you sure can tell a story well and easily.
    Glad you have your family nearby ......
