Saturday, October 22, 2011

Goodwill Goodies!!

Every week (while Mother gets her hair done) I treasure hunt at the Goodwill's! Or resale shops, thrift stores, DAV, and /or Salvation Army. 'One gal's trash is another one's treasure!' The last couple of weeks I have found some great things!

This was my haul from LAST week. The hand bag is a leather Liz Claiborne. I already had the pumpkin napkins but found these wooden napkin rings to go with them. I LOVE the orange enamel bowl with a
 'jack o lantern' face in the bottom. Will be great for popcorn!

Then yesterday I was browsing around and found.......

a wonderful comforter set complete with a set of matching sheets!
It was bundled up in the original bag from Macy's.
I came right home and washed these beauties up and popped them on the bed!!

They feel suede like! SO comfy!

Changed the linens out to warmer fall feeling things!
This is the headboard my daughter in law gave us.
I intend to paint it 'Shabby Chic' style as soon as I get the rest of the room done.

Today we have been packing and loading for our annual camping trip!
It is a lot of work to go somewhere for a few days and there is much to do to prepare.
It will be worth it! Louis Dean has lots of firewood and plenty of warm bedding. Our campsite is a screened shelter so it is an easy way to 'camp.' We have all the comforts of home. Since we are taking his BIG truck there is plenty of ROOM to load everything AND the kitchen sink!

I am taking my art supplies and hope to do some 'Christmas' painting while there. I can do my art while HE fishes! He even had me pack some corn meal just in case he actually CATCHES something......other than a turtle or a shoe!

We have a family reunion in Weatherford tomorrow and that is just a half hour from Lake Mineral Wells State Park. I made chocolate chip cookies to take. Have baked beans in the crock pot and we will be up at 6 AM to put the chicken and veggies in the oven. Weatherford has a great Farmer's Market so I am counting on getting some more mums. They will make our campsite look pretty and then I can bring them home to replace the ones that died this summer due to the heat.

It is going to be a great week!!

"You don't choose your family.
They are God's gift to you."

Desmond Tutu


  1. Hope your camp-out and reunion and a little bit of shopping were a great time had by all success.
    - Joy

  2. Sounds like your week is going to be jam-packed with lots of fun things. Hope you have a really good time!

  3. Linda!
    You are just the busiest couple! Have fun camping and spending time with your family.

    I need to hit the Goodwill. My niece is a buyer for the stores in the greater Seattle area.

    Safe travels!

  4. Have a great time, at both.

    I'm not a camping person, but many are. Enjoy!!!!!

    And anyway, you are such a happy person, I'm sure you make sure to enjoy every activity you undertake. And what a wonderful attribute, that is, my Dear.

    Plus, you joy of life shines through in your bloggging, and so, no wonder, we love to read you. :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "The gilding of the Indian summer mellowed the pastures far and wide.
    The russet woods stood ripe to be stripped, but were yet full of leaf.
    The purple of heath-bloom, faded but not withered, tinged the hills...
    Fieldhead gardens bore the seal of gentle decay; ... its time of
    flowers and even of fruit was over."

    - Charlotte Bront

  5. Oooops, that should have read "Your joy of living..." shines through. I was too quick on the keys, and publish button. ,-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "The gilding of the Indian summer mellowed the pastures far and wide.
    The russet woods stood ripe to be stripped, but were yet full of leaf.
    The purple of heath-bloom, faded but not withered, tinged the hills...
    Fieldhead gardens bore the seal of gentle decay; ... its time of
    flowers and even of fruit was over."

    - Charlotte Bront

  6. oh what fun...that is a cool state park...hubby and I visited this summer for the day...have a good time...

  7. One day I want to goodwill shop with you. I may have to take time off one day and come see you so we can shop

  8. That purse looks really nice. I love Liz Claiborne! That comforter set was a GREAT find. You got a total score on that one lady. I love it, it looks awesome :)

    Camping & a reunion- so much fun ahead. Hope you & LD enjoy. Can't wait for photos & updates!!!

  9. Busy lady !
    I always loved to go camping, only it really was work what with taking your kitchen with you. Everything tastes better out in the fresh air, tho.
    Have a good time......

  10. I added the ingredients to the pumpkin spice sugar scrub, so check back.
    Love the GG. I've been thrifting this week too.
