Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We LOVE Camping!!

But as much as we LOVE it - we also LOVE being back home!! Camping can be - and IS - hard work! For us anyway! We loaded up Saturday and left Sunday morning - stopping off in Weatherford for a Family Reunion! Lake Mineral Wells State Park is just half an hour from Weatherford so we were there in early afternoon.

In no time at all we were unloaded and all set up to enjoy a few days of relaxing in a beautiful setting! This is our third year to camp here in October. It has become a tradition.

Louis Dean was happy to kick his shoes off and enjoy the view.
Notice the fly swatter? Good thing he remembered to bring SEVERAL!
We needed them. Like I said - having FUN is hard work!

I took my art projects while Louis Dean took his guitar and banjo.

I DO like to stay busy! And I am just now starting on my Christmas paintings - something I usually do in JUNE or JULY!

Each morning and evening we sat by the campfire. We could - and DO - spend long periods of time just gazing into the flames. Mesmerizing!

As per our custom - we slept late! LD cooked a fine breakfast in my favorite iron skillet - right on the campfire! Food tastes so much better outdoors!

We did a lot of nature watching. LD took lots of pics with his fancy new camera lens.
The cypress tree by our campsite was FULL of the most beautiful cardinals!

Whole families of them!

The deer appeared often. Lucy didn't know what to think about them.
She never barked or lunged after them. She is such a polite little dog!

Louis Dean 'fished.' ( He didn't catch anything! Poor guy was so disappointed!)

I had lots of time to read......

Lucy went on many walks.....

We all had a good time!

However, as good as it was to GO - it is just as nice to come HOME!
And that's where we are tonight. Lucy has been bathed and put in her clean kennel,
The truck is unloaded and we are unpacked.
The washer and dryer are both humming.
We are home just in time to greet the falling temperatures and some RAIN due in later this evening. I am so grateful for the life I have and the good times Louis Dean and I are sharing. May I just say.....God is GOOD to me!

"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so....."
Psalm 107:2


  1. Linda, you lead such an interesting life. May you always have fun in your life.

  2. Now this looks like a FUN trip that the two of you had!


  3. You have the energy of an 18 year old and your LD is right there step-for-step with you!

  4. Looks WONDERFUL!! Can't believe you take all you paints!! Good for you... My hubby loves to fish...has never caught one:)

  5. I think you do have an 18 yr old's energy. You seem to lead a very active, not boring life. Good to see as so many couples do nothing together.
    many more to you, my pal. Connie

  6. We love camping, too Linda. So relaxing. Do you have a camper or do you stay in a cabin?

  7. Camping is one of my favorite things to do. Our little family camps quite a bit! So glad you & LD got some R&R and were just able to enjoy each others company. It really is the little things in life that make you realize just how blessed you are.

  8. What a great tradition...camping just the two of you.

  9. Looks like y'all had a good time as always!! Love that you have a favorite place to go. The pictures of you painting are adorable... that's my momma! :)

  10. Linda!
    Your camping chronicle made me feel like I was there. You two are a joy to follow. I so wish that we had Cardinals in the Pacific Northwest.
    I love having morning coffee and counting blessings with you!

  11. Linda!
    Your camping chronicle made me feel like I was there. You two are a joy to follow. I so wish that we had Cardinals in the Pacific Northwest.
    I love having morning coffee and counting blessings with you!

  12. Oh look at that campfire! Now THAT part, I could really go for. :-)

    And how nice that you had great weather! Super!

    Glad you had a great time and are home safe. Time for some cozy, indoor, nesting time now. With the cooler temps and rain. :-))))

    Gentle hugs,
    "Nothing beats a haunted moonlit night on All Hallows Eve.... And on this fatal night, at this witching time, the starless sky laments black and unmoving. The somber hues of an ominous, dark forest are suddenly illuminated under the emerging face of the full moon."

    ~Kim Elizabeth

  13. Sounds fun yet so relaxing. Of course I have my porch for that. LOL

  14. You asked; "What is Fly Lady?" :-)

    Go here and take a look. Listen to her intro video. I thought she would be a cranky-know-it-all, but she's not. :-)

    You don't need her. I'm not all the way to her "CHAOS" but I'm too random in how I clean. Hope she can gently shape me up. -grin-

    Gentle hugs,
    "Nothing beats a haunted moonlit night on All Hallows Eve.... And on this fatal night, at this witching time, the starless sky laments black and unmoving. The somber hues of an ominous, dark forest are suddenly illuminated under the emerging face of the full moon."
    ~Kim Elizabeth

  15. welcome home...I love that park...too bad LD didn't catch any fish...
