Friday, October 21, 2011

Gilded Pumpkins - Gold and Silver!

This has been a wonderful day!! As soon as I arrived in Fort Worth to pick up Mother for her weekly Beauty Shop Run - my eye caught the glimmer of the golden pumpkin sitting on my sister's table!!

What a BEAUTY!!!! A natural pumpkin spray painted gold and embellished with BLING!

How gorgeous is THIS????
My sister in law (Lonnie's wife, Michele) did this and gifted it to my sister!!

How simple and ELEGANT??

So off I went to ALDI as soon as I got back home to shop for a PUMPKIN!

They had them for $2.99!!! I bought THREE....

.......but only 'gilded' ONE!

I THOUGHT I was painting it GOLD! However, LD had changed the lid on the paint can and it was SILVER! No matter!!! I added a handful of 'jewells' around the top. I did not glue them since I may use them again in future projects.

I did glue on some extra 'bling'......

and placed the pumpkin in a wreath of golden disks. I also sprinkled some foil and silver wrapped truffles around the base. I love the LOOK!!!
I do have some ice crystal sprays which would absolutely PERFECT this table scape!
Alas, they are packed away with my Christmas decorations..... this will have to do!!!
I am not an 'elegant' person - more of a 'warm and cozy' type of decor appeals to me!
But I have to say........this is pretty even if I say so myself!!!

Thank you,
Michele, for the inspiration!!!
And thank you, Nita, for allowing me to share!


  1. Your pumpkins is very pretty...and elegant! I love it! Now I am inspired!


  2. I love our Cinderella might come take your pumpkin for her coach...

  3. I liked the gold but I think the silver is awesome and so is your bling. Cool idea

  4. That's so pretty - and unusual. I can't believe some of the good ideas out there!

  5. Awesome! I might borrow this idea if you don't mind, do something a bit different this year.

  6. What do you mean your not ELEGANT!
    you are warm and cozy...but you are also so ELEGANT!

  7. what a cool refurbishing of that pumpkin. very pretty. here from darlin's place.
