Thursday, August 4, 2022

Sunflowers and Honey...

 We continue to come out in the mornings - or what's left of them by the time we get out of bed - and at night when it's the coolest. Triple digit heat remains in our forecast for the next few weeks. So far we have had 34  of the 100+ days this summer. It's the hottest summer since 2011 when we had 71 triple digit days! I guess that means we can't complain about only having HALF of that this year.'s very HOT!!!

Once the sun goes down and it cools off a little bit, then that's when we go out to water.
Louis Dean tends to do the night watering in the front yard.....

while I do the morning watering in the back. 

My sunflowers continue to give me a bouquet nearly every single morning.
It was a happy moment when my bottle of Sunflower cologne arrived Wednesday!

I wear it in August through September and October if it lasts that long.
Anyone else have a favorite fall scent for cologne or perfume?

I'm cooking comfort foods these days....and trying not to waste things.
Tuesday night I boiled up over 10 pounds of potatoes and a dozen eggs.

I fried these up for Wednesday Brunch.....
and made a big potato salad from some and a large pot of potato/clam chowder soup!
Waste not - want not, Love!

 It seems like I continue to alternate 'good' days with 'sad' days.
There are moments of joy throughout the day and then I think about not having Nita anymore and I cry.
Wednesday I didn't even bother to make up the bed - I knew I would be back off and on all day.

The cold, dark, scented bedroom is a comfort to me. I slide in between the cool sheets and just be.
I stare at the wall or ceiling or pull the sheet up and close my eyes.
Grief is a private affair.....I know this.
We all grieve differently and yet the same.
And in due time, we will all grieve.
I just didn't know I would be grieving for my younger sister.

Deanie is a comfort to me and we talk and text.
We are grieving together and in pretty much the very same way. seems every other day I turn the AC on and the lights out in the bedroom and crawl into bed for awhile. 

I made my coffee this morning and could hear heavy machinery outside.
They are working on updating the water lines.
A knock on the door and a young man told us the water would be off at 10:45 and back on in 4-6 hours.
It was 10:39. 
Louis Dean and I filled up pitchers and sinks and he filled the bathtub half full.
Sure enough, right at 10:45 - no water! No problem!
It was back on in less time than estimated so our day went right on.

I'm putting the finishing touches on my housework.
At this moment in time - the entire house is clean.

I spent a few minutes in the den sprucing up my Honey Bee table.

Some sweet friend sent me these metal Sweet like Honey signs - but no card came with them so I have never been able to thank you properly.

Nearly all these pretty things are from friends and family.

I love this table so much!
It's been up since May and I am keeping it until Christmas.
The rest of the den is dressed up in anticipation of the arrival of Fall.....
but the Honey Table will remain.

Sherry arrived from the country this afternoon bearing a big bouquet of sunflowers from our Country Camper Home. She turned an ordinary day into a special evening just by being here.
She's spending the night since she will be working out of the Irving office tomorrow.

She arrived just in time to help us with all the watering of our yard as well as our neighbor's.

We grilled burgers and smoked sausage for our supper tonight.
Potato salad made yesterday.

It was so GOOD!
I also had a banana pudding since I didn't want my bananas to go bad plus fried apples.
We buy too much food and can't eat it all up before it gets too ripe!
I have got to learn to buy less......

Our day is done and Louis Dean is taking a hot bath before we go to bed while I am finishing up tonight's journal entry.

We leave on Saturday to spend a week in a mountain cabin in New Mexico.
Son Jesse is taking us and I was so excited!
Cooler weather and it rains there nearly every afternoon.
Folks, I am going to get to wear a sweater!!
Tomorrow will be spent packing and preparing for a super early departure on Saturday.

I close tonight with this photo from May 2005.
Louis Dean and I met through eHarmony in April and this was his first visit to my house in Irving.
We married in June and this became our home together and has been for 17 years.

And we do!!!


  1. What a wonderful photo of the two of you. Samantha looks like she is trying to comfort you. I love your bee table. I have a very similar bee shelf. I will be posting it at some point. I didn't know you could buy sunflower scent! My current favorite scent is Honeysuckle. I have it in lotions. It smells divine, and reminds me of the honeysuckle in my childhood.

  2. Yes, with healing comes the grief first but it is necessary for the healing. It's hard, but you'll get there. I love your sunflower table, it's so cheerful. Yum, I am now craving potato salad. LOL It looks like you're heading to my state. We've been getting tons of rain everyday. I hope you get lots of it while you're here and it cools you all off. Enjoy the cabin. It sounds like fun!

  3. I am glad you are being gentle with yourself, Linda. I cannot imagine losing one of my sisters. It is a special bond for sure. Thank you so much for my happy mail. You know I enjoy reading so I will put the book marks to good use. You are so talented. It is hot here too but it has cooled down to the high 80s this

  4. Have a wonderful vacation I think the change will do you good. How very nice of your son enjoy. Look forward to your photos.

  5. Your meals always look good and you are right, waste not, want not. Sunflowers always make me smile and you have bunches of them. Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip.

  6. I am SO sorry to hear of your sorry.
    I also had someone near and dear to me pass unexpectedly...sometimes I can hardly breathe from the waves of grief that seems to consume us.
    We never get over it but I'm told it will change into something more tolerable...a big hug to you.

  7. It was obviously love at first sight.

  8. What a treat to get away to cooler climes. A mountain cabin sounds like a real retreat. I do love your sunflowers. They are such a cheerful plant. Hope you have a good trip and stay cool.

  9. I know how hard it is for you right now. It's something we all share but we do have to face so much of it on our own. I love all of your honey bee things!

  10. I’m glad you are able to share your grief with us. I’m praying still.

    I’m excited for you going on that trip with Jesse! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

    Your talk about your bed made me think that it’s a good day to strip my bed, wash sheets, fluff my pillows. A comfy, well made bed is so comforting.

    You are loved, my friend!

  11. Absolutely love your Bee table and all the beautiful things on it.
    I love the picture of you and guys are so in love and so perfect for each other.
    Yummm on the potato salad one of my favorites and perfect for a hot day...well it's perfect for anytime.
    Hope you have a wonderful time in the mountains...Jesse knows the perfect thing for you.

  12. Linda, I love those marriage rules. Who doesn't want to be their sweetheart's best friend. I know I miss my best friend everyday. Love the picture of you and LD. Also excited you will be having a nice safe trip. It's looking so pretty at your house, Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

  13. Glad you are keeping on keeping on. Take it one day at a time. Lovely sunflowers. Cheers

  14. Your photo you shared of you and L D with his first visit to your home is sooooo lovely!! Makes me smile. Pretty sunflower bouquets and table scapes! You ask about cologne scents (I've not heard of your special fragrance)... I don't wear any. Gives me headaches.

    Since I haven't seen you for a while, I had to drop by & say hello.
