Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Monday Rest and Tuesday's Treasures.....

 Monday was a bit of a REST day.....I kept thinking I would get a spurt of energy but it never arrived.

I did the usual housekeeping chores that keep a home running....empty the dishwasher, make coffee, put the pot and cups in the dishwasher, feed the kitties and do the poopy scoop routine, go back to bed and read, make a bite to eat, go back to bed and play Words With Friends.....and so on and so forth.
Notice making the bed was not on the list of things I did that day.

Sweet Samantha!
She and Tabitha find the stray basket that seems to suit them and then claim it as their own.
I must remember to leave some of the many baskets around here empty!

Dean posted this pic on Facebook.
It's beautiful but so little water in the big tank.....

I don't know if you could call me depressed but I was definitely a little down and blue.
Louis Dean and I both went to bed at 9:00 - he in the guest room and me in the bedroom - with our respective books and read until we were sleepy. He joined me sometime in the middle of the night and we slept on. AC, sound machine and ceiling fan all humming and keeping us asleep.

It was 9:00 when I woke up - and I spent half an hour in prayer and praise to the Lord before getting up and turning on the coffee. Louis Dean and I had our 'coffee stupor' time outside on the kitchen deck, visiting and watching the birds and the honey bees and the snake doctors flit around. Snake doctors being what we call dragon flies.

I made myself a noon appointment for a pedicure and decided I needed to dress up a little bit.
I'm finding that the way I LOOK affects the way I FEEL.
Back in the day - a really good day was no makeup, hair, or pretty clothes. It meant I was happy in my own skin and staying home to do the things I love to do.

It doesn't mean that anymore.
So I pulled out some clothes I haven't worn in a very long time and fluffed up what's left of my real hair - then decided to add a ball cap to it - and headed out for my pedicure.
It was so relaxing.....and I felt so much better!

I stopped by the post office on my way home to check on Louis Dean.
My storage building (downstairs part) is empty and he was spraying for bugs (which is what we DO in Texas! Have you SEE one of the giant water bugs we have here??) and storing all the empty tubs back in there....and there are dozens and dozens of them!
He was doing a good job and was working in the shade with a breeze and had his water!

So I went off to meet up with Brenda at Irving Thrift on Beltline....
and it is such a blessing to have a personal shopper as my best friend!
She looks for things for her while at the same time watching for things I would love.

So I made a magnificent haul on this first Tuesday Treasure of August!

First of all....the backdrop for these photos is a beautiful round tablecloth that I am going to LOVE!

Books for Louis Dean!

A super cool brand new lunch bag from World Market.

Headbands!!! My new best friends!
They make all the difference if I'm wearing a wig, a wiglet or my own hair!

I hope Brenda finds a cool overlay top like this one.
That's one of the things she was looking for and she found it - but in MY size!
Now, THAT'S a good friend!

Cool Texas tea towels....$0.33 each!

This is the second gardening basket I have like this. 
The first one I bought was at a First Christian garage sale.
This one is obviously brand new and will serve perfectly as a traveling Bible basket!

The best find of the day!
And, of course, Brenda found it!!
Super cool pair of Michael Kors jeans!

I just this very morning was wishing I had some white pants that weren't heavy duck like material.
And Brenda found these!

And she found this super comfy pull up Chico's white pants!

I will be pairing those Chico's with a white cami and this soft SOFT flannel type short over shirt.

I'm all about flimsy filmy over things......

as in this white one - which Amber will say, "Oh, Mom, you look  just like a little doily!"
Said in love, mind you! And so I am.....I love lacey doilies!

This last one is most probably a beach coverup.... but, alas. I have been to the pool just ONE time this year. Not sure if I will make it again so in 2023 I will most likely NOT be buying a season pass. And certainly not one for Louis Dean. Life changes happen and I am wrapping my head around that....so many life changes lately.

I will end tonight's journal entry with us outside watering.
Trying to keep things alive.
NOT flourishing or even blooming.... just not DEAD!



  1. Brenda is such a treasure, she finds gorgeous things for you, my favorites are the two white lacy tops. I would wear those. Stay cool.

  2. I am so glad to see you continuing to post! You have had such an awful blow, but you are so strong!! Your strength is God given, you seem to have an aura around you even with your writing. This is a hard time for you to get through but you are doing it with such grace and strength. What wonderful finds you got, seems like the most in a long time!

  3. Hi Linda. Those books for LD are wonderful. I have Twelve Years A Slave downloaded to listen to and I read All Quiet on the Western Front some years back. Powerful book. I love all the fun "new" clothes that you found when you were shopping with Brenda. Hope you are feeling more "up." I agree that the way we look can affect our mood and that picture of you is gorgeous! I hope you have a good day tomorrow!

  4. Glad you were able to enjoy yourself a bit. sure wish we had good charity shops.... Cheers

  5. Yes, with life come life changes. Some are hard I know, but not all of them have to be bad. You scored a lot of nice things at the thrift store.

  6. The cat pic is just so good! Sorry, just too lazy to look back and see if is Tabitha or Samantha!! (I'll take a stab at the latter!) I say the stroke has grabbed a bit more of my memory!

  7. What a colorful and beautiful post all the way through. I am glad you shared your day with us. It sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day and pull yourself up out of the "blues". How wonderful to have a friend who loves to shop with you and for you. I do not really like to shop anymore, but if I had a friend like that I might. Yes, the temperatures here in Florida have been pretty brutal as well, especially with the high humidity, so outdoor activities have been at a standstill. But I keep telling myself that fall is coming...just not quite soon enough, but it is still coming. Take care dear friend. You've been through a lot lately and your body and mind need to just relax and rest and recuperate. Have a blessed week.

  8. Do not be hard on yourself you will have some sad days as you continue to grieve and adjust to the many life changes. Many are keeping you and your family in prayer.
    Your finds are nice how fortunate you have a good bargain source. Your posts are always a bright spot in my day. You bring joy to many.

  9. You look beautiful!!!! I find myself “not trying” too much with my appearance anymore…not sure why, but it does make a difference! Know that I do keep you and Louis Dean in my prayers, and that you are strong and God will continue to carry and sustain you. Isaiah 46:4

  10. I love all the pretty clothes you find. I am so in the mood for something new to wear. I haven't been to a thrift store in years. Maybe I should go one day this week. Keep those fans hummin'! Hugs!

  11. Even on a blah day, you accomplish amazing things. ☺️ Brenda...what a great friend! The things she found for you are so nice. Praying for Texas and for the weather to moderate. There's a little quote at my place today, which I think applies here. And always remember that roses will bloom again. Love you! Love Louis Dean, too, but it's not safe to tell a gal that about her husband. I imagine that he has many admirers. Take care, be gentle with yourself.

  12. How nice to have a friend that helps find such nice things for you. They say two sets of eyes are better than one. It's a amazing what nice things you find. The heat you have had is terrible. We're to be 90 degrees today and for us in Ohio that's about as hot as it gets. Thankfully we only get a day of that here and there and not all summer like you've had. Take good care and keep cool.

  13. This is a time to be gentle with yourself-some days will be better than others. I think we grieve not only those we have lost, but also the changes in our lives that have made us realize our lives aren't necessarily going to look the way we thought they would. It's good to have a pedicure, get out and do the things you enjoy and it's also good to have quiet, thoughtful days at home. Keeping you in my prayers.
