Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Monday's Magic and Tuesday in Taos....and Wednesday

 Monday morning - very early - Jesse drove to Roswell, New Mexico to pick up our older grands at the airport. That meant Louis Dean and I were on our own until early afternoon.
We enjoyed our morning on the balcony with coffee and reading.
We started Johnny Cash the autobiography with Patrick Carr....this is going to be a good read.

We walked up the road here in this residential area that the cabin is in......carrying the bag of trash with us.

With the higher elevation, we felt the need to stop and get our breath before going on upwards.

The air is a bit thin here! But clear and sweet and fragrant!

Coming back down to the cabin was much easier than going up to the trash bin!

We did some housekeeping and then turned our attention to preparing lunch!

A big pan of spaghetti sauce heavy with meat simmered in the stove.

I made a batch of sugar cookies - just because it's such a wonderful thing to come in and smell fresh cookies hot from the oven!

Fresh cherries along with baby carrots and dill dip. crackers and cheese for light appetizers.

I love the Hatch Chile wines from New Mexico and picked these two bottles up on our way to the cabin on Saturday.

Jesse arrived with Sam, Faith and Levi right at 1:30!
They spilled out of the truck and magic started happening!

We had a great lunch together of pasta and meat sauce with some good garlic bread!

Naps and reading followed while the boys went fishing and Jesse took Faith off to scenic areas to do her senior pictures! How special to do that here!

We all gathered back in the daisy strewn meadow in the late afternoon for Happy Hour.

Chili dogs was the main feature for supper Monday night.

They grilled the hot dogs over the fire....

and it was such a beautiful time sitting around together!

Our evening entertainment was Knives Out.....
so good!
I love all things Daniel Craig!
AND they are making a second one - 

Coming out this fall and I can't wait!

Tuesday morning we made a big hearty breakfast.....

a pound and a half of crisply fried bacon and 2 pounds of sausage plus 17 fried eggs and a dozen biscuits!

Then we were off for a day of sight seeing in Taos!

Starting off with a stop at The Coffee Apothecary! 

Photo Op!!!!
Jesse, me, Sam, Faith and Levi.....
my first born son and first three grandchildren.
Are they not beautiful??

Jesse took us on scenic drives .....

and I spied a honey bee!
With all the flowers around here - there's a noticeable lack of bees.
Lots and lots of butterflies but very few bees.
It does rain just about every afternoon and temps up in the mountains have been in the 40's - 60's.
Maybe it's a lack of pollen - I don't know. 

We walked and shopped the Square in Taos.....

Louis Dean got a new hat!

We had Mexican food for a late lunch - not the Tex-Mex we are used to eating.
But we had fun!

Louis Dean and I were sitting up on the deck of cabin
#2 and I looked down and saw Jesse in the meadow below....

crossing the stream ....

and then he climbed up to the cabin using the tow rope.

We were up there for Louis Dean to sing his Old Porch Swing song.....

He's loving his time here!

Tuesday night Faith cooked dinner for us and that was such a good meal!

She made deviled eggs that were out of this world.

I didn't get before pictures but this is all that was left of baked chicken and green bean casserole.
I made a pan of pepper poppers to go with it.

It was chilly enough to have a fire in the fireplace while we watched our movie for the night.

Louis Dean made a big breakfast to send the kids off to Santa Fe to catch their afternoon flight back home.

He loves being in the kitchen and cooking for the kids.

The food goes quick with two teenage boys!
Faith loves good food and is an excellent cook and baker but she's a light eater.

My contribution to the meal was fried apples.
Perfect to top off breakfast on a chilly morning!

Jesse works for American Airlines and the kids fly standby so he picked them up in Roswell, New Mexico and is taking them to Santa Fe which is closer and showed availability.

Just like that, they are gone.

I came in and wrote for three hours and am nearly finished with Chapter 26 - which is about having Amber and Benjamin and then getting thyroid cancer. Writing can be exhausting so I went to bed for a nice long nap and Louis Dean walked up to take the trash to the dumpster and then walked down to the creek.

We both went for a walk after I woke up and it was so beautiful here.
The rain that came in this morning stopped and the sun came out making everything just sparkle.

Louis Dean is doing well and has adjusted well to the higher elevation.

We have one more day before we leave for home on Friday.

This will make a pretty painting!

There he is!

The trip has been good for us and we are feeling rested and restored.

I'm planning on painting this to give to the generous owners of the cabin.

Look who's back!
The flight was way overbooked and the weather back in DFW caused people who missed the earlier flight to get out on this one.

So the party goes on!!!!

We are watching this now as I close tonight's journal entry.
I can't wait to see what we're going to watch tomorrow night!


  1. What great fun you are having; this is just what you need! Maybe the air is too thin for the bees!

  2. Glad you and Louis Dean are having a good time and feeling rested and restored here in NM. The pictures are just gorgeous. Yes, the air is thin the higher you go and definitely takes some getting used to. If you eat New Mexican food in New Mexico it is definitely not Tex-Mex but authentic New Mexican cooking, that's what keeps the tourists coming back. We are known for our delicious food. Nice to see your older grandkids spending time with you all. Enjoy the rest of your stay.

  3. I was happy to see your grandkids back for another day as two days in the mountains is too few:) I hope you all continue to enjoy the days you have left with your trip to the cabin in the mountains. I am enjoying just reading about the nice, cool weather and the fun time you are having with family. I've never been to New Mexico but now I need to go:)

  4. What a beautiful place...I would want to stay a bit longer I think....looks like everyone is enjoying this vacation and especially the delicious food and spending time travels to everyone!

  5. Gotta love yo-yo grandkids! I hope that they weren't too disappointed. What a beautiful day today will be. I am imagining how it must feel to have cares and concerns float off on a New Mexico mountain breeze. Ahhhhh.... ⛅️

  6. Time does go fast when you are having fun. With only one day left, id say your time spent there was certainly worthwhile.

  7. So glad you're enjoying your stay in New Mexico. We were born and raised in southern NM and lived in Northern NM for 8 years back in the 80's when my husband worked at Los Alamos. There is nothing like mountain air in the summer! Yes, New Mexico mexican food is very different from Tex-Mex, but we prefer it when we can get it! Wonderful to have the time with your son and grands.

  8. You all just go with the flow, big meals, small walks, big outings, naps and movies and lots of fun. so glad you have enjoyed this trip and I know the cooler weather has been a great blessing.

  9. What a wonderful way to spend time! All the food looked yummy!!
    Everyone needs a cabin "experience"!

  10. God sure knew what you needed and Jesse answered that prayer.
    What a delightful place to be renewed in.
    I am totally smitten with that daisy field and the campfire.
    So fun to have the Grands there and for Bonus time too.
    Enjoy your last day in NM.

  11. Hi Linda. I love that you are in such a beautiful place enjoying your family. The food all looks delicious and I especially like LD's new hat! This is a wonderful getaway for you after all you have been through so I am glad that you can relax and enjoy! See you again soon!

  12. I love that you’ve had this wonderful time together! You do have a gorgeous family!

  13. So glad you have been having a good time. Cheers
    PS Thought I might mention that I have been having success at avoiding gout attacks through tart cherry juice (or supplements).

  14. awesome pictures of both you and ld...i am glad you are having and good time!! will you come cook for me? your food always looks amazing!!!
