Saturday, August 13, 2022

Back in Texas!

 We enjoyed a last campfire at the cabin on Thursday night complete with S'mores!

Have I mentioned that Jesse was a Boy Scout leader?
He makes beautiful campfires every single time!

We played a few more rounds of NUTS and I am so proud to say that I won THREE times!!
Yes! I was beginning to think I'd lost my mojo!

Friday morning came early!
I got up at 5:00 so I could get dressed and do my hair and makeup before everyone else got up.

Jesse has the patience of Job!
We packed way too much while he and the grands packed like normal people.

The thing was - all six of us AND our 'stuff' had to fit in his truck.....
which we did!
Jesse drove us to Amarillo where we dropped the kids off at the airport and we drove on home.
They arrived long before we did but they needed the time to get ready for school starting on Monday.

I drove for a couple of hours but Jesse did just about ALL the driving and there was a lot of it!

Our last stop before home was in Decatur, Texas at the Trinity Street Coffee Bar located on the scenic square.
They also have a restaurant next door with the coolest ambiance!
This would be perfect for a day trip!
I sure do miss Ruth Ann living close!

Summer had come by and left a chair full of goodies for us!
The fiddle lady toured with Jimmy Driftwood and Louis Dean could not have been more excited to get this record. I'll be buying a record playing next week. He has one but we have no idea where it is!
And that Stanley thermos!! Perfect to take to Arkansas next month! Louis Dean can take his coffee to go!

Sabrina and Rayne along with their service dog, Sunshine, were scheduled to fly out early Sunday evening to Puerto Rico. After being on the plane for hours and hours  - the flight was finally canceled and they were put up at a hotel at the airport until the flight out this evening.

We met up at Cheddar's for our very first visit this summer!
So much has happened since they arrived in Texas back in late spring.
It's been really rough.

It was wonderful to get to sit down and visit for well over an hour!
Look how Rayne has grown!

They did, indeed, take off for Puerto Rico this evening.

As I write this journal entry tonight, The Cowboys are playing the Broncos and I am loving the sounds of a football game on TV!

Summer will be going back to Arkansas after she makes her doctor visits this week.
The battery for her pain blocking device isn't working so she's been struggling with that old awful pain!
Praying they can fix the problem and she gets some relief soon!


  1. Rayne HAS grown! She must be a teen now, and she still has the sweetest face. I hope all that Summer needs is a new battery.

  2. I hope that the problem is just a need of a new battery!! Ya, I watched the game (part of it)...good to see "my Broncos" win!.😁

  3. So happy you are back home again safe and sound! Sure looks like it was a wonderful trip with your family, but yes, it's always good be back home in your own bed! So nice you were able to visit with some other dear ones as well. Oh, those treasures that were left for you all look wonderful!! I sure enjoyed your camping adventure and all of the above. Thank you for taking us along with you!!!

  4. What a wonderful time you had in New Mexico and you all fit in that truck!! Glad you made it home safe and sound and were able to see Summer, Sabrina and Rayne. She has grown a lot. Hope they are able to take care of the battery problem for Summer.

  5. Welcome back home again. Glad you got to see those loved ones before they headed home too. It was nice to get away while, but it's always good to get back home too.

  6. That week flew by! Even though the furnace is still on in Texas, it is good to return home. Arkansas should be cooler in September.

    Rayne has really grown! She's so pretty, too.

    Praying for Summer.

    Have a blessed week...

  7. God bless Jesse! ❤ Iam sorry to hear Summer's pain device isn't working...maybe by the time you read this, it will be fixed.
    Your Faith is such a beauty! And Rayne, too, of course. And your grandsons so handsome. You have been so blessed.
    Sorry. It takes me so long to type since I had the stroke. I fell little awhile ago, but am not hurt.
    Glad you are having a great summer, Linda! Sending love

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You and LD had a lovely time in New Mexico. So glad you could have a nice family getaway. You have been blessed with a great family! Also glad that you made it safely home. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

  10. Hello Linda, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    I keep seeing the temperatures in Texas and it makes me very happy that our temps are not as hot as yours. Stay cool if you can, Granny Marigold

  11. Great that you had a lovely trip but it's always nice to get home. Cheers

  12. I'm so delighted that you had a wonderful trip! So great to do these things with family.

    Raine is so grown. She's darling. I'm glad you got time together, even though it was short.

    Summer knows what you and LD love! What a fun thing to come home too!

  13. I'm so happy you made the trip safe and sound! I know it was great to get away for a nice vacation! Enjoy your week!

  14. Boy, that week flew by. What a wonderful time you had and that Jesse is one in a million. You are really blessed.
    I love getting away but coming home to my own bed and things is fantastic too.
    We're not looking forward to the next few days..It is suppose to be 106F thanks but no thanks...
    Love you and hug Louis Dean for one of his admirers.
