Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tuesday's Treasures With Brenda!

 It's hot in Texas - is it where YOU are?
I must get out in the 'early' morning and water and then again in the evenings after the sun goes down.
Even plants that say 'Takes FULL Sun' are not talking about the Texas sun!
This morning (while my coffee was brewing) I had to drag some of my plants in pots over to where they could get a little shade relief.
While I was out watering, I decided to plant a half dozen of the pots Louis Dean had started seeds in.
I have no clue WHAT I planted but six small clusters of green leaves are now in the ground.
Four in the flower bed beside the Christmas house and the other two in the new garden Louis Dean made. I hope they are going to like the new location.

By the time I did laundry and some light housekeeping and wrote letters to the Bell Grands who are at church camp this week, it was time to get dressed.
Pam stopped by for a little visit and I had a Care Package all ready for her with food from Sunday.

We will be going to the ranch soon and Pam offered to water our plants a couple of times a week.
Jesse said he will come over twice a week, too, so that makes everything getting a good dose of water four days out of seven.

You have to be a truly hardy pioneer of a plant to survive summer here!

I met Brenda up at the thrift store this afternoon and we had a good time treasure hunting.
We even made it to two thrift stores - Texas Thrift and Goodwill.
Goodwill reduced its senior discount from 25% on Tuesdays to 10%!
This was our first time to go there in months!

We ended our visit at Whataburger for iced tea and the AC!!!
Both stores were really warm and we were HOT!
Love the AC at Whataburger and by the time we had finished solving the problems of the world, Brenda and I were both shivering!

I am retiring some tired and worn 'debris' so it was fun to find some 'new' stuff today!

The lamp has replaced the banker's light here on my desk in the sewing room and the sunflowers are in a basket on the table. The white flowers in a box now live on a small table in the foyer and the green arrangement in the back has yet to be assigned its place to live.

I really like simple wreaths like this one.
It has a double wire frame making it extra nice.

I may take this to the ranch with us.
I tried growing carrots last year but they didn't make.
How hard can it be to grow carrots??
I'm going to give it another try.

Can you believe THREE of these devotional books at one thrift store??
My sister, Nita, gifted all of her siblings a book and we all read it one year.
I rotate my devotional books 
This year I'm reading 'Jesus Always' by the same author.

Some orange sunflowers in the planter that found its way to Goodwill from Hobby Lobby.

I've been using an inexpensive China bristle paintbrush for basting.
I can now throw that thing away!

Look what I found at the same store I found the same book last week!
Jean - this one's for you!

I love to listen to audio books.....but I seldom do.
This might be a good one for when I'm sewing one of my denim quilts.

The black and white dress will be perfect for church!
Brenda found it for me in her search today.
I am going to enjoy the wallet that is large enough to hold my phone.
I carry a heavy purse and usually just take my phone with my credit card in the holder on the back of it when I go in a store to shop. This was I can simply take the wallet out!
The six napkins will got perfect with my sunflower dinnerware!
And who doesn't need another makeup bag??

I love delicate pretty dishes!
I got 5 bowls for $0.50  each......

and 2 small plates for $0.70 each!

W. S. George
Made in the U.S.A.

Everything is all put up, dishes washed and in the China hutch, napkins in the laundry, and the debris looking pretty in the proper places.

I'm continuing to work in the sewing room and hope to have it all clean and DONE tomorrow!
The curtains give it a classy look and kinda sorta match the ones on the French doors.
They are grommet ones and I wanted plain in order to hide the simple inexpensive rod.
No worries!
I just hung them upside down since they hang behind a table!
It's a fun challenge to think outside the box!


  1. Leave it to you to solve a problem by hanging something upside down. This is the creative artist in you!! My favorite new purchase is the wreath with the berries.

  2. It is HOT here in Alabama too. I have been keeping the blinds almost closed just to save the AC. I do not have any flowers as we go back and forth to Ga and there is no one to water them so I guess I will count that as a blessing, though I would love to have some. Maybe in the fall. Those dishes you purchased at the Goodwill look like my Mother in Law's china that I inherited. Hers has a different maker but they are almost identical. I am too lazy to get up and look at the back to find out. I know it is Haviland and it has a Rose in the name.:) I love dishes as well and it is sad to see some very pretty pieces left at the Goodwill. However if people like you and me purchase them and love them, then that is special as well. Have fun at the ranch.

  3. I miss going to thrift stores but I guess I'll wait awhile longer. It's HOT here for sure and a good day to play with my journals today! Love all the pretty things you found though! You are a smart shopper!

  4. As always, you find the best brains. Glad you have a friend to go with. 4 eyes are better than two. It's hot here too for a change and something we're not used to. The plants all love a good watering in this heat. It's always nice to freshen things up and get something new to display. Mostly I keep using the same things over and over, but I'm not tired of them yet. Take care and stay cool !

  5. That was supposed to say the best bargains, not brains.

  6. The two plates are the same pattern as my mother's china.

  7. You really found some great bargains and fun things! That sounds like a fun little shopping trip! I love dainty old dishes like those too, and am always looking for sweet pretty ones. But I have too many dishes and I need to cut back on my purchases. It is fun, however. Yes it is too hot here and my little butterfly garden is suffering because we just aren't getting enough rain and I am having to water a LOT. I don't like that because we have to pay for our water here and it gets expensive! I wish we were on a well, then I wouldn't mind watering so much. I enjoyed your newsy lovely post. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us.

  8. When we sold my house I gave all my collections and china and crystal to family and friends
    The apartment in Indy was so easy to clean as is the condo here in Florida
    I don’t miss any of it. Yes I had holiday dishes fancy china everyday Sunday dishes..now I use some of my Fiesta but mostly Target plastic. Easy…everything was used for many years…you are a brave woman cleaning all of that. Love your blog

  9. It is really hot in Philly too. I'm hoping my plants do ok. So far, so good. I have never been able to grow carrots and I have been trying since I was a child. Good luck with yours. Love your haul from Goodwill. You always find such nice things.

  10. You definitely think outside the box. I never would have thought of doing that with curtains..Bravo...
    I used to love writing letters to my boys when they were at camp. You are such a great Grandma.
    Win-win on your Thrift treasures..wish I could find things like that.
    I did comment on the devotion books on your FB page. Next I need to get Jesus Always just to change things up a bit.
    I think my "unknown" problem has been solved and I think I even have my photo appearing too. We'll see when I hit the pot key...(:0)
    Have a great rest of the week.

  11. HaHa...NOT *pot key but post key

  12. I saw something on cable that said that plants need less water when they have more sun and more water in the colder months - the exact opposite of what I thought... I really don't know... It is a bit cold here - we are coming up to mid winter but cold in Auckland is about 10-12 degrees C (about 50-54 F) so not cold by many peoples standards. Because the climate is so temperate here we don't have AC or central heating... Quite different from Texas! Have a nice time at the ranch. Cheers

  13. Love the carrot welcome sign.
    Looks like you found lots of treasures at your thrift store outing.
