Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Pedicures and a Clean Sewing Room!

Once again, we were out watering as soon as were good and awake.
There's been a pretty brisk breeze the last day or so and it's not too bad outside until the temps get up in the 90's and beyond!

This was a Spa kind of day!

As a diabetic, we take good care of his feet!
A deluxe pedicure is much less expensive than a trip to the podiatrist....
and his feet look and feel so much better!!
Not only did he get a pedicure - he got a manicure, as well!

We even enjoyed a small glass of wine!
I passed on the manicure since I am digging in the dirt and pulling weeds these days.

I spent the rest of the day working in the sewing room.

I had basically finished it last night but there was still the storage/closet kind of alcove that I had piled up with stuff.

I skipped the patriotic decorating this summer with red, white and blue and going straight to my sunflowers!

They make me happy.

And I 'm loving my new Dell laptop!
It's unfortunate that I now have an updated version of my Ribbet editing program.
Learning new ways to do things is not easy - and I edit nearly every photo I use - so it takes some time.
For this post I opted to use the editing program that comes with pictures on the laptop.
Much faster and easier!

This is a busy room full of all sorts of debris - but I like it!

I'm now able to get to my sewing machine for the first time since mid May!
And I did some mending and such this evening.
I'm not a good seamstress but I do keep the machine up and out as I use it several times a week.

This is the alcove where I keep my sewing supplies.
The chest of drawers holds stacks of squares of different weights of denim.

This is my cozy cubbyhole and I could stay in here for days at a time - if only I really could!

Tonight's dinner was something new.
Cheese and Spinach stuffed manicotti from Aldi. 

I made a good meat sauce to go with you well know Louis Dean would not be happy with just cheese and spinach!

Mozzarella Cheese sticks from Trader Joe's......

and a garden salad heavy with tomatoes.

It was good but not a real keeper kind of meal.
I think I will try new things and then we don't really like them.
I guess our taste buds get a bit set in their ways.


  1. You have a really nice sewing room, and lots of countertop space on your sewing machine cabinet!

  2. Beautiful rose blog background today!

  3. One of. My favorite blogs ever

  4. It's a cozy, comfortable sewing room that is so you! Glad that you can get to your machine again. The manicure/pedicure experience looks very relaxing.

    Learning new computer stuff is not my favorite thing either. You are doing well!

  5. I like keeping my sewing machine handy too. Love seeing your beautiful home and it's nice to get a new computer even though there's always something different to learn! Keeps our minds sharp...I hope! lol

  6. You manage to fit more into one space than anyone I've ever seen. i would love tp have a whole room for a sewing room. As it is I just have a small nook for crafting and sewing in my spare bedroom. It is packed but doesn't look very good. I'm going to be watering the flowers here this morning before it gets too hot out Rain is expected but some don't get rain so must be watered. They are under the cover of the car port here.

  7. Congratulations on finishing your sewing room. It is set just the way you like it and shinning clean.

  8. Its wonderful to have a special room devoted to the things you dearly love doing.
    Love the sunflowers and they are perfect for any time of year. If they make you happy...why not???
    Your meal looks yummy as usual. Going to have pork ribs tonight for dinner.
    Take care and try to stay cool.

  9. Hi Linda. I love all the Sunflowers in your sewing room. They are so bright and cheerful. I need to do some organizing around here this summer as well. The food looks good, but yes I do agree that we get used to favorite foods and don't really want to change. So glad that you both enjoyed your pedicures. It's always fun to see what is going on with you. See you again soon!

  10. What a happy space you have!! I love your sewing room that is so much more than just a sewing room. It is similar to my "Room with a view", but I don't sew in here. NO room for the sewing machine. I have to pull it out and put it on the dining table when I want to sew, which isn't very often. Your space is so cheery and full of interesting stuff! I would love to come and explore it! Your supper looks great! That salad especially! This time of year salads always look good! Speaking of supper, I need to run and start cooking. Have a blessed rest of your day.

  11. We have both Masterchef NZ and Masterchef Australia on at the moment so I have been inspired to try some things - not enough to blog about it yet though... Cheers

  12. What a great idea to get pedicures rather than go to the podiatrist! You’re geniuses!

    I love your cozy sewing room, and good for you to go straight to the flowers you love! Before you know it summer will be over!

  13. Your sunflowers look so pretty and cheery.
    What a good idea to go get a pedicure instead of going to the podiatrist. I would never have thought of that.
